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Altradoran, dressed in his usual clothing when he was a part of Dark as Midnight


Group/Faction Affiliation: Forsaken Motorcycle Club, Dark as Midnight, Forsaken Loyalists

Status: Alive (Missing)

Formerly of the long-lost Forsaken Motorcycle Club (FMC) and a former member of Dark as Midnight, Caine “Devil” Altradoran is the current club treasurer of the Forsaken Loyalists, having previously been stripped of his role as President after he faked his own death. His enterprise, cunning and ruthlessness saw the FMC grow to the pre-eminent black market entity in South Zagoria during his multi-year tenure, before their eventual massacre at the hands of the Cult of Papa. Later, his desire for revenge over the death of his former brothers later proved instrumental in DAMN’s betrayal of the Cult. Having forfeited his presidency of the Forsaken Loyalists after faking his death in Stary Yar, he works in the shadows to restore the FMC’s former glory.


Altradoran is a tall man of dark complexion, with features aged past his years by a lifetime of stress and the attrition of his dangerous lifestyle. Despite having worn multiple uniforms over the years, ranging from USMC military fatigues to an iconic rider’s jacket and jeans, he is nonetheless easily identified via his battered old baseball cap and red bandana face mask.


Altradoran’s origins outside of Chernarus are shrouded in mystery. Presumably belonging to a nefarious external entity, he was initially present in the region to oversee an international deal involving the shipment of a large cache of weapons to a foreign buyer. Stranded by the infection, he wasted no time in applying his skillset to the movement of guns, explosives and ammunition within South Zagoria - becoming notorious due to his ruthlessly practical mindset and tight grip on information. Though any who spread word of his dealings were swiftly dispatched, the allure of the business plan was obvious; if you had the money, no questions would be asked.


In lieu of a better description, Altradoran is an asshole. Often coming across as cold, sarcastic and condescending even to his brothers in the Forsaken, he unsurprisingly counts few outside the club as friends. However, despite his natural cynicism, he does not lack a moral code - the term ‘honour amongst thieves' applying to no-one more wholly than him. To Altradoran, debts are to be repaid and deals to be honoured - even if that comes at a detriment to his personal interests. Like other Forsaken, Altradoran is no longer possessed of any desire to be a home-maker or care-taker, with their trade connections too wide and far for clinging to such childish notions. He does not enjoy recreation for the sake of it, and only partakes when it serves to get him the information he needs.


Soon after arriving in South Zagoria, Altradoran and the FMC were already facilitating trades between foes such as the PTU and DUTY - discreetly running ammo and explosives between sides during DUTY’s multi-faceted wars. This line of business came with an obvious degree of risk, but Altradoran knew that everyone had a price - overseeing bribes to entities such as the United Nations and Firekeepers to prevent any interference in club business, and notably being the one to calm Tex Rockwolf after an altercation between several Firekeepers and the FMC.

One day, soon after learning from his brother-in-arms Krieger that the FMC had been all-but wiped out by the Cult of Papa, Altradoran was shot in the back multiple times by a man he suspected to serve the cult. Saved for unknown reasons by the apocalypse gang known as Dark as Midnight, he joined and served them to pay his life debt - a tenure in which he was often forced to overlook his principles in the name of his greater goal. Though he considered several of their more heinous acts to be unsavoury - such as the abduction of a Lucky Bastard named Redstar - Altradoran was duty-bound to repay his life debt, however, in order to pursue his vendetta against the Cult.

Finding himself captured by Serdtse Volka shortly after the death of John Stalvern, Altradoran was forced to make a deal for his life - offering to locate and capture Andi Walker in exchange for their safety. However, this was a deal that he never intended to honour; later capturing Andi with the help of Rangers Chernarus and using her as bait in order to orchestrate the massacre of several notable cultists such Reverend John in the slaughter at Black Castle; avenging his fallen brothers in the FMC at last.

Soon after the events at Black Castle, Altradoran played an instrumental role in a violent coup within Dark as Midnight by murdering its overlord, Joker and installing an insidious cut-throat named Draven Sanguine as their new leader. With his life debt paid and revenge on the Cult of Papa achieved, Altradoran parted ways with Dark as Midnight to restore the FMC’s former glory from scratch - founding them anew as the Forsaken Loyalists alongside “Silent” Joe Fraser.

However, Altradoran’s numerous betrayals and nefarious actions as a member of Dark as Midnight would eventually catch up with him. While attempting to secure Redstar as an ally against a resurgent Cult of Papa, Altradoran and Joe Fraser were stumbled upon in Stary Yar by Shadow and Felix of Serdtse Volka. Although forgiven by Redstar and Shadow for his trespasses against them, Altradoran was later shot by a Rogue member of the Lucky Bastards in an incident that left him seriously wounded and presumed dead by those present.

Retreating into the forests of the far North for many months to nurse his injuries even as the Forsaken Loyalists mourned his passing, Altradoran later left a trail of cryptic clues to inform the club that he had survived. A club member named Hamish “Irish” Church, was later mauled to death by a grizzly bear while roaming the northern wastes in search of evidence of their lost president. Upon finding and burying the remains of Hamish, Altradoran resolved to return to Chernarus and rejoin his brothers in the Forsaken Loyalists. However, he would not be welcomed back into the club with open arms upon their eventual reunion, with the club’s Sergeant-at-Arms Joe Fraser declaring him unfit to be President and kneecapping him as a punishment for his role in Hamish’s death.

Stylised portrait of Altradoran as a Forsaken Loyalist.

Having taken up his former role as treasurer of the club, Altradoran’s attention was later turned from its day-to-day operations by the deteriorating health of an old friend. During his time in Dark as Midnight, Altradoran had seen potential in one of the many lost souls washed up in Gorka - a deranged woman named Cat. Where others saw a slave or even a meal, Altradoran saw potential; taking the former school teacher as his warboy. With the effects of kuru and years of drug abuse enabled by Iris finally catching up on his apprentice, Altradoran was forced to make good on an old promise; finally putting an end to her suffering and laying her to rest in a location known only to him. In one of his many public broadcasts, Altradoran would later accuse Iris of using narcotics to keep Cat subservient, and allowing Dark as Midnight to stray from their value of strength in her murder of Draven Sanguine.

Notable relationships

Draven Sanguine

Altradoran and Draven Sanguine had been uneasy allies ever since the latter was inducted into the cut-throat ranks of Dark as Midnight. Sharing a cold-blooded demeanour and ruthless pragmatism, the duo formed a rare island of lucidity in a sea of irrational hatred and erratic violence. It was no coincidence that Altradoran conspired to install Draven as Joker’s successor when he was eventually overthrown, buying himself a powerful ally before leaving to restore the Forsaken. The two remained on good terms until Draven’s betrayal and execution by Iris.

"Silent" Joe Fraser

As former FMC and co-founder of the Forsaken Loyalists, Joe is one of the few men that Altradoran truly trusts. Together, they have overseen the growth of the club from humble beginnings to a rival for the FMC’s former glory. Though their relationship was tested severely by their reconciliation after Altradoran’s disappearance at Stary Yar, with Joe eventually forced to punish him and assume his role as President, the two remain brothers to a fault. After all, neither of them would still be alive without the other to watch their back…


The FMC trusted the Little Wolf where Altradoran dared not - with his scepticism owing to her natural talent for misinformation and rumoured connections with the Cult of Papa. Shadow prevented the execution of Altradoran and Draven Sanguine by Felix and Serdtse Volka at the North-east Airfield, exchanging their lives for the retrieval of Andi Walker in the belief that Altradoran would never turn his back on a deal. They would later reconcile in Stary Yar after Altradoran betrayed his word in favour of massacring the Cult, as Shadow ultimately sympathised with his need for revenge.


Altradoran notably oversaw the kidnapping and brutal treatment of Redstar during his tenure in Dark as Midnight, forcing her to question her beliefs and convictions during a short time as their prisoner. However, dire circumstances lead to a reconciliation in Stary Yar, where they set aside their differences to defeat the Cult of Papa. Though little has been heard from Redstar since, many assume that their uneasy alliance continues to this day.


Having watched over her during her induction to Dark as Midnight, Altradoran was Cat’s mentor and oldest friend during her life. After helping end her suffering from the ravages of drug addiction and kuru, he remains the sole keeper of her grave site.


Due to her overthrowing of Draven Sanguine and facilitation of Cat’s drug addiction, Altradoran arguably considers Iris as his arch nemesis. The two have long alleged that the other caused their mutual friend’s death, with these accusations developing into threats of violence on more than one occasion. Should they ever meet again, it would be exceedingly unlikely that both would walk away alive.

Where are they now?

Try though he might, Altradoran’s work is never finished. Though dealt a major blow at Black Castle, the irrepressible Cult of Papa is once again on the rise; drawing the ire of the Forsaken Loyalists as they sink their insidious roots into South Zagoria once more. Though the Cult and other enemies abound, Altradoran has never been one to shirk responsibilities; with administrative roles once again consuming his time as he tends tirelessly to the black ledger and illicit dealings of the club. However, he is a man who has become infamous by playing the long game. And after all, he has never failed to find revenge before. Those who have wronged the club or their friends in the past surely still have restless nights, tossing and turning under the moonlight; their sleep unlikely to ever come easily with the knowledge that Caine “Devil” Altradoran is at large.