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The Hawks were a band of nomadic mercenaries who sought to thrive in the chaos of the new dystopian era. They believed that the current state of the world is how it should be, granting them the freedom to live their lives to the fullest without being shackled by the morality and laws of the past. Hellbent on keeping the world the way it is, they opposed any who would attempt to rebuild civilization and restore society to its former, flawed glory.


The Hawks would often revel in the wars across Chernarus, as fighting with the odds stacked against them was their forte. Though capable of winning battles outnumbered, The Hawks only fought when they were provoked to do so, or when the state of the current world had been threatened by those who clung onto the old ways. There were few whom The Hawks would undeniably call friends.


Though their white armbands kept them unified as a group whilst they roamed throughout Chernarus, their individual clothing varied from Hawk to Hawk.



When The Hawks had initially been founded, they resided within a town called Turovo. Shortly after, they abandoned the stationary lifestyle and adapted to the nomadic life, chasing the thrills of life wherever their metaphoric wings could carry them.


Brotherhood: Though The Hawks would always be loyal to one another, no matter the danger or the cost, they would not hesitate to kill their own if they had strayed from their path of freedom.

Anarchy: Freedom in its truest form – The Hawks would stop at nothing to uphold the current chaotic state of the world, snuffing out any form of government or tyranny that would begin to reemerge.



Notable Characters

Conway – The founder and leader of The Hawks. Known largely for his skills in combat, Conway would be the first to charge ahead into battle – leading his brothers to victory against impossible odds. He was the stern and confident voice of his brothers, embodying the very nature of what it meant to be a Hawk.

Wolffe – Nicknamed “The Betrayer” by the western factions, Wolffe had gained the trust of The Hawks by informing on their enemies and creating a pathway to their revenge. Using his network of allies within the West, Wolffe would often obtain valuable information for The Hawks, even after his betrayal. Though he would consider himself to be one of the more reasonable Hawks to negotiate with, his degrading health and sudden disappearance of the other Hawks had greatly increased his aggression over time.


The 506th – Though initially on peaceful terms, The 506th became one of The Hawks’ primary enemies since they had sided with The Commonwealth when they attacked Turovo.

The Commonwealth – As their targets of the battle of Turovo, The Hawks had fought back multiple attacks orchestrated by The Commonwealth. When they successfully defended Turovo and The Commonwealth had disbanded, The Hawks did not stop hunting them until those who gave the orders to attack were dealt with.

The Outrider Caravan Company – ORCC were the primary targets of a mercenary contract issued to The Hawks, as well as close allies to most of their enemies. They were very often on hostile terms, especially since the Trojan Horse incident.

Dark As Midnight – Though some believe that The Hawks and DAMN were on friendly terms, they merely stood out of each other’s ways as both shared similar beliefs and enjoyment of the current state of the world.

Forsaken Loyalists -