Golden Peppers

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Year Founded: 2022

Status: Active

The Golden Peppers are a trading faction that will also sometimes carry out certain jobs if deemed in the best interest of the faction. Factions, groups, and individuals seek out the Golden Peppers to initiate trades or if they need assistance. They seek to help out those who reach out to them and keep balance in western Chernarus.


The Golden Peppers are Lawful Neutral in the alignment archetype. Their aim is to conduct fair trading throughout the region. They will not go out of their way to meddle in other factions/groups affairs unless directly involved or to offer assistance as a means of good will and maybe procure future business dealings.


The Golden Peppers can be identified by wearing a dark gray armband with a yellow Golden Peppers logo. The members tend to wear unique outfits, usually dressing in darker pants, tops, and hats.

Ross, a member of the Golden Peppers, sporting his armband, the black boonie hat, and his white sneakers.
Gabe, a member of the Golden Peppers, surveying the town below in his armband and dark clothing.


The Golden Peppers were founded by two survivors named Cob and Gabe that were new to the land and had developed a vision. Through traversing the land, they saw the people they came across needed materials, food, all the things required to survive. Cob and Gabe saw the despair all around and decided to set up in the East. They started helping people obtain items they needed, and realized trading could be lucrative, as well as being available for hire for certain jobs. They soon began to find like-minded members, and the Golden Peppers were born.


Golden Peppers map territory
  • Pavlovo

The Golden Peppers have claimed the town of Pavlovo due to its central location within the western area of Chernarus. This enables traders to relatively easily access the faction, no matter which area of Chernarus they are coming from. Recently, The Commune has taken residence in the church within Pavlovo, led by Pabla the 9th.

  • Farm located NW of Pavlovo

The Golden Peppers reside at the farm located just northwest of the town of Pavlovo. This is where the faction conducts business. Hostility within the compound is not condoned as this is where business transactions are conducted.


The Golden Peppers are devoted to the trading business and this is a priority for them, for both the short and long term. In order for the trade business to operate efficiently, its members each have certain roles within.


  • RESPECT: The Peppers firstly hold each member in high respect, which then passes to the trade business dealings.
  • LOYALTY: The Peppers are loyal to each other and make decisions based on the input of all its members.
  • BUSINESS: The Peppers main focus is on trading with those that approach them. This is the lifeblood of its members.
  • NEUTRALITY: In order to be a lucrative trading partner, the Peppers maintain neutrality and as such, do not tolerate hostility within their compound.
  • FAIRNESS: Fairness is something the Golden Peppers hold in high esteem because its members know that being fair is the key to the goals of the group.


I. Eastern Origins

The Golden Peppers were founded by two survivors named Cob and Gabe that were new to the land and had a vision. After traversing the lands of Chernarus, they decided to plant some roots in Eastern Chernarus, specifically in Orlovets and eventually encompassing Dolina as well. Through their experience, they had the grand idea to set up a trading post and be mercenaries for hire. Their ideas of trading and jobs for hire were much different than they are now. Through luck and some good cunning, they recruited a number of members to join their ranks. Eventually though, their way of life caught up to them with Gabe being put into a coma and many members being killed or going missing. Cob and Ross then decided they needed to redefine the vision of the Golden Peppers. After talking with Waxxer of The Renegades, Cob decided it was for the best to change locations to the West and redefine the sort of trading and jobs the Golden Peppers would provide, leaning more toward their inherently good nature. There was also economic opportunity out West, so Cob knew this would be the best step for the group.

II. The Move West

During a time of great hibernation across Chernarus, The Golden Peppers officially moved out West, specifically to the town of Pavlovo. They began to set up their trading operation in the farm complex Northwest of the town of Pavlovo. The group thought this would be an ideal spot to conduct business, right in the heart of the West. The move took a lot of effort and help, but the members knew this venture was going to be worth it.

III. Western Settlement

After cementing a foothold in the West, the Golden Peppers were able to recruit new members, reconnect with those who’d gone missing, and Gabe recovered from his coma, swelling their ranks once more. The vision Cob has for the group still takes shape daily, as people come from all over Chernarus to trade and negotiate with the Golden Peppers. With more members than ever before believing in the same dream Cob has, the Golden Pepper are a staple in the West.

Notable Members

Cob, the leader of the Golden Peppers. Photo courtesy of Pablo

Cob- Leader and co-founder of the Golden Peppers. His vision has helped what the faction has become and always envisions what the future will look like.

Gabe- Co-founder of the Golden Peppers. A loveable mute, Gabe communicates through sign language and has helped shape what the Golden Peppers have become.

Ross- Ross has helped Cob and Gabe grow the Golden Peppers to what they are today by being the second-in-command of sorts, helping the Peppers’ vision stay alive whilst making sure its members are taken care of. Ross also has a keen eye for engineering and design.


The Renegades- The Renegades, notably Waxxer and Charlie Hughes, have a long-standing history with The Golden Peppers, tracing all the way back to their roots in the East.

The Collective- Prior to moving West, good relations were established between The Golden Peppers and The Collective, only strengthening with the move.