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The Hawks were a band of nomadic mercenaries who sought to thrive in the chaos of the new dystopian era. They believed that the current state of the world is how it should be, granting them the freedom to live their lives to the fullest without being shackled by the morality and laws of the past. Hellbent on keeping the world the way it is, they opposed any who would attempt to rebuild civilization and restore society to its former, flawed glory.


The Hawks would often revel in the wars across Chernarus, as fighting with the odds stacked against them was their forte. Though capable of winning battles outnumbered, The Hawks only fought when they were provoked to do so, or when the state of the current world had been threatened by those who clung onto the old ways. Though their enemies were too many to count, there were few whom The Hawks would undeniably call friends.


Though their white armbands kept them unified as a group whilst they roamed throughout Chernarus, their individual clothing varied from Hawk to Hawk.


Arriving at Chernarus as a small group of survivors, The Hawks scavenged and gained their footing in the land foreign to most of their members. As a strong voice and a man of better familiarity with the country, Conway took up leadership and began to pave the way to their success. After a brief scouting of the land and recollection, The Hawks built their foothold in the northeast, in a town called Turovo. Chasing their leader's dream of glory and ideals of being above all those they deemed weak or unworthy of sharing this life with, they quickly established themselves as a dangerous force to be reckoned with. At this stage, Conway was leading a following of people who were as loyal as can be, having established a good relationship with the Forsaken Loyalists and even Dark as Midnight.


When The Hawks had initially been founded, they resided within a town called Turovo. Shortly after, they abandoned the stationary lifestyle and adapted to the nomadic life, chasing the thrills of life wherever their metaphoric wings could carry them.


The truest goal of any Hawk would be to live their life to the fullest; basking in the pure form of freedom gifted to them by the broken world. They stuck together as brothers, ready to lay down their lives for one another - though they would not hesitate to do what needed to be done if one of them were to betray their way of life. Whilst chasing their thrills, the Hawks would relentlessly fight those who would attempt to rebuild the old world, along with its societal structures. Though often outnumbered, they were known to overcome near-impossible odds in battle, always ready to lay down their lives for the freedom that they held onto so dearly. To them, no foe was too great a challenge to oppose for the sake of the world staying the way it is. Though their motives would often put them in the sightlines of many factions throughout Chernarus, The Hawks were not entirely malicious. They would befriend, and even in some cases defend those they viewed as innocent in the futile rebirth of the old ways, or to those they simply respected or have been shown respect from.


Anarchy - The Hawks believed in nothing more than a free world, where they could live with no moral shackles and be the writers of their own destiny. They would battle the tyrants of the old world, and anyone else who would stand in the way of their goals.

Loyalty - Brotherhood without compromise, loyalty and trust unbreakable. No Hawk was to ever be left behind, and no Hawk was ever to be alone against the world.

Vengeance - Those who would stand in the way of their freedom would be hunted down; no enemy would be too large or too out of reach for a Hawk, and no price would be too big when it came to getting their revenge.



They arrived at Chernarus as a band of a few free men by the names of Benji, Kamren and Zeke, following the leadership of Conway - a man who had many grand, yet selfish ideals. In the North-East, within a town by the name of Turovo, they established their base of operations - an abandoned industrial facility at the borders of the settlement. Shortly after their arrival, Odessa - former consigliere of the Brothers in Arms - had joined their group. The Hawks had then made their acquaintance with a local gang of bikers and arms dealers by the name of Forsaken Loyalists, engaging in a business partnership where they would carry out mercenary hits and get payment in return. Having established themselves with a camp of operations and relationships that guaranteed a steady income for weaponry, they began to roam and spread Conway's vision of the world.

Conway's Purpose

Under Conway's leadership, the Hawks roamed the land, spreading their wings and stepping onto those who would oppose them. He believed that a person with no true purpose in life had no right to breathe the same air that he did. And so, with the undying fealty of those who stood by his side, he made his presence known all throughout Chernarus, making it so very few would not have heard of his name. He would ask those he came across and overpowered for what their purpose in life would be - and if their answer was mundane, such as "to survive" - he would end their lives and spare the world of another soul not worthy of it. To Conway, morality was just a shackle that did not bind him, and his purpose was not to survive, but to live his life to the fullest, at anyone's expense. Word of The Hawks had eventually reached the South-Western corners of Chernarus, prompting a group of the self-pronounced soldiers of peace by the name of The Commonwealth to launch a surprise attack upon Turovo. Though outnumbered twelve to two, the Hawks emerged victorious and began to plot their retaliation. Now enemies with The Commonwealth, The 506th and the Outrider Caravan Company – the Hawks were on a mission to not only claim their revenge, but also rid the world of those who they believed to be tyrants, hellbent on bringing back civilization and rebuilding the old world that would impede their freedom.

The War Against The West

Conway had been spotted on the streets of Zelenogorsk, speaking with a member of the 506th, arranging a potential cease-fire between them and The Hawks, as it was The Commonwealth who were their current target. Once their conversation has concluded, a young soldier wearing a blue armband had approached. He introduced himself as Wolffe, one of Conway’s enemies, enlisted in the Commonwealth military. The two spoke in the middle of Zelenogorsk, surrounded by members of The 506th mediating the situation. Conway had explained to Wolffe how he and his men soared freely within the skies, while Wolffe was limited to reap only the spoils of the ground. He spoke of how The Commonwealth had attacked The Hawks unprovoked, and how they had failed in their assault. Though Wolffe felt the loss of his friends heavily, he did not dispute the words of the Hawk. Shortly after they had parted ways, a message had been delivered to Conway – and to his surprise, it was a scheduled meeting with Wolffe.

On January 28th, Wolffe was waiting at a neutral sanctuary called St. Joe’s, where Conway had arrived whilst being trailed by a man who seemed starved and injured. Wolffe questioned Conway about his companion as he was looking at the man with his binoculars, to which Conway turned to observe the same through his weapon’s scope. He explained that he was helping the man along the way, though quickly realized that he was a hopeless cause – asking Wolffe if he felt the same. After a moment of consideration, Wolffe agreed, and a shot had rung from Conway’s Winchester, ending the life of the man who had been following him. The two of them then entered the barn that was built as a communal camp, and began their conversation. Wolffe wished to avenge the friends he lost in what he believed was a senseless battle against the Hawks, blaming the superiors of The Commonwealth for their deaths. In order to do so, he and Conway had come to an agreement: Wolffe would insight information on The Commonwealth and The 506th and pave the way for the Hawks to get close enough to deliver the killing blows. Wolffe had also disclaimed that he was there a few days back, when Conway was fighting a group of Commonwealth soldiers down South by the Prison Island; having a clear kill shot on the Hawk, he decided to fire a bullet near him instead - warning him off from a batch of reinforcements that were closing in on his position. Conway felt gratitude, and decided to play along with Wolffe's plan.

After a few days of exchanging information, Conway believed that it was time for Wolffe to meet the rest of The Hawks.

Notable Characters

Conway – The founder and leader of The Hawks. Known largely for his exceptional skills in combat, Conway would be the first to charge ahead into battle – leading his brothers to victory against impossible odds. He was the stern and confident voice of his brothers, embodying the very nature of what it meant to be a Hawk.

Wolffe – Nicknamed “The Betrayer” by the western factions, Wolffe had gained the trust of The Hawks by informing on their enemies and creating a pathway to their revenge. Using his network of allies within the West, Wolffe would often obtain valuable information for The Hawks, even after his betrayal. Though he would consider himself to be one of the more reasonable Hawks to negotiate with, his degrading health and sudden disappearance of the other Hawks had greatly increased his aggression over time, which ultimately led to his downfall.


The 506th – Though initially on peaceful terms, The 506th became one of The Hawks’ primary enemies since they had sided with The Commonwealth when they attacked Turovo.

The Commonwealth – As their targets of the battle of Turovo, The Hawks had fought back multiple attacks orchestrated by The Commonwealth. When they successfully defended Turovo and The Commonwealth had disbanded, The Hawks did not stop hunting them until those who gave the orders to attack were dealt with.

The Outrider Caravan Company – ORCC were the primary targets of a mercenary contract issued to The Hawks, as well as close allies to most of their enemies. They were very often on hostile terms, especially since the Trojan Horse incident.

Dark As Midnight – Though some believe that The Hawks and DAMN were on friendly terms, they merely stood out of each other’s ways as both shared similar beliefs and enjoyment of the current state of the world.

Forsaken Loyalists - The relationship between The Hawks and The Loyalists was best described as a business-driven one, though they often found themselves fighting alongside each other against their common enemies. The Hawks often provide their rarely-offered mercenary