Creating a Character

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To fully immerse yourself within the Organic Roleplay environment of DayzUnderground, it is advised that you approach with at least a general idea of who your character is and how they fit into the apocalyptic realms of Chernarus. This article will provide useful tips on creating your character, choosing a look for them to sport, and give you an overall idea for why these aspects are important and worth considering.

Part 1 - Character Background

Your character's background could be brief and to the point, or it could be as complex and well-thought out as you wish it to be. Either way, it is the foothold of who your character is - not because of how often it would come up in passing conversation - but because it could be a very useful tool to indicate and emphasize two very important things: Your character's personality, and your character's skill set/profession.

1.1 Personality

Who your character was before the apocalypse can play into your gameplay and interactions in various different ways. Some professions have more obvious/immediate values in the current world, such as medical professionals, hunters or farmers - but in Chernarus, people of all sorts are needed. If your character did something that required more diplomatic skills, then you can play that up by offering yourself to mediate or negotiate between certain people or factions. If your character is good on their feet, then they can be a scavenger who attempts to sell their goods after every loot run, or if they were in the business beforehand - perhaps they could land themselves a tradesman opportunity. No matter what their profession was beforehand, it is useful to adapt a trait that belongs to that skill set and potentially use that to be a driving force when it comes to your character's decision making.

Some examples for reference:

You are accompanied by two friends whilst out on a loot run in a town. During your run, you hear gunshots nearby. The three of you quickly duck for cover inside the nearest building. You are unsure of who or what they're shooting at. So, what do you do?

  • If your character has any combat experience or is overall proficient with guns and they are armed, perhaps you would feel inclined to wish to defend yourself and your friends and make a stand. - This shows the background of your character shining through in a scenario that makes sense for their skill set to be brought to light and used. Where it may have made more sense for others to run if they would not have the same confidence, your history would instead reflect into the notion that you are prepared for this scenario.
  • If your character has no combat experience or proficiency with firearms, or they're simply unarmed, perhaps they would feel inclined to either stay in cover until the danger passes or make a run for it. - This shows that your character would realistically not have the confidence to stand and fight in this situation, valuing their life and not willing to take such a risk.

1.2 Skill Set/Profession