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"Trust In Humanity"


Year Founded: 2021

Status: Disbanded


The Commonwealth stuck to their morality and guided themselves through hardships by having each other’s backs and relying on the goodness of others in order to reestablish a new foundation of law and order throughout Chernarus. They aided those unfortunate enough to need help, and fought back against the evils that would oppress the weak. As they would often attempt to preserve their lawful-good alignment, the number of their enemies would grow larger by the day.


The representatives of The Commonwealth Military Force wore their standard BDU uniforms along with the navy-blue armbands that represented their unit. Often in the need to be dressed for combat, their forces would also wear standard-issue ballistic helmets.


The Commonwealth's Military Regiment had been dispatched from Western Europe in the early days of the infection's outbreak in order to quell the vast increase of its influence and provide an evacuation option to the survivors of South Zagoria. During their journey, however, the bulk of their forces had been split off from one another by an unexpected storm and contact between them had been lost. Crashlanding on the southern shores of Chernarus with little supplies to salvage and no way to repair their transport, The Commonwealth had no choice but to adapt to their surroundings and gather themselves as best they could, then start anew with a different plan on how to achieve their original goal. They built a new base of operations on the coast as it was easily accessible by those who were in dire need of their aid, and even though their new position helped fulfil their original purpose, they never halted their efforts to regain communication with those they lost at sea.


When it was first established, The Commonwealth had based their home on the southern coastline town by the name of Balota; claiming territory spanning from Komarovo to their west, towards the Balota Airfield to the east. Frequently patrolling their borders, they enforced a "no guns out" policy to those who were passing through and attempted to protect and shelter them in return for their trust.

Due to The Coastal War that sparked months within their initial establishment, The Commonwealth later decided to leave behind their hometown and move to the northwest in Pavlovo; claiming the town itself and the gas zone military base in its vicinity.


The Commonwealth strove to be the helping hand for those in need, providing shelter and medicine to the misfortunate. They clung on to the belief that humanity was not yet void of good within their hearts. Throughout their presence in Chernarus, they have built communities of residents that would yearn for a safer and more comfortable life protected by their military, while reestablishing law and order in the hopes of rebuilding the old world.


The Commonwealth had always valued and stayed true to their military ranking structure, entrusting their leadership to establish order and maintain peace in the broken world. They honored their deals and ties with their friends and allies, and would never give in to temptation to betray their own.

Above all they valued:

Leadership – Trusting in their officers to always do what’s right.

Honor – Staying true to themselves and their brothers.

Trust – Believing in humanity in hopes of a better future.

Order – The ways of the old world, to be reborn from the ashes of the new.


During their early establishment, The Commonwealth spent their efforts providing a safe environment for any survivors who would pass through their territory, while strictly patrolling their borders in vigilance.

In an unfortunate turn of events, when a Commonwealth soldier by the name of Wolffe attacked and injured one of their allies from the Brothers In Arms, the two formerly-allied forces engaged in what was known as The Coastal War. During the war, The Commonwealth had gained new allies in the 506th, while the BIA had sided with the Wanderers. Over the course of the multiple battles that had taken place, there were broken ceasefires and long-winded raids in which both sides suffered heavy casualties. After a month of struggle, The Coastal War ended in a stalemate.

Following the war and the betrayal of their allies, The Commonwealth had decided to move out of their hometown Balota, taking their forces closer towards their newfound friends in the west - setting up base at Pavlovo. Within their new territory, they renewed their residency program and took in multiple survivors that were looking for a new place to call home.

The new location had been a breath of fresh air away from the coast, though their proximity and relations with the 506th brough upon The Commonwealth a new wave of enemies from the east – such as The Forsaken Loyalists and Dark As Midnight. During this era, The Commonwealth had received numerous reports that a newly-found group that lived in Turovo by the name of The Hawks was closely working with their new enemies. In an effort to thwart The Hawks from being a threat, The Commonwealth soldiers had been ordered to attack their base at Turovo - unprovoked.

When The Commonwealth began their attack, they were hit with an unexpected amount of resistance from the defenders. Though they were few in number and attacked by surprise, The Hawks managed to defend their home successfully from their attackers. The Commonwealth’s defeat came at a very heavy price, as not only were their losses in large quantity, but the organization itself collapsed and disbanded within the same day.

What remained of The Commonwealth scattered throughout multiple parts of Chernarus. The commanding officers had secured themselves a position within the ranks of The 506th, leading to them being hunted by their former brother Wolffe alongside The Hawks for their unprovoked attack on Turovo. Others, however, laid down their weapons in search of a more peaceful life – never being seen again by those who knew them in their service.

Notable Characters

Major Beef – The head of The Commonwealth Military. His leadership has held the regiment together in their times of turmoil, keeping in check his soldiers to stay in line and true to their cause. When The Commonwealth fell, he kept the fight going by joining as a soldier within the ranks of The 506th.

Wolffe, The Betrayer – A young soldier who would question orders consistently. Though in his mind he meant well, his actions ultimately caused The Coastal War and ruptured the alliance between The Commonwealth and Brothers In Arms. When so many of his friends were ordered to their deaths at Turovo, Wolffe turned to The Hawks in order to get his revenge and betray those who gave the orders to attack in the first place.


Brothers In Arms – BIA were Initially allied with The Commonwealth by both blood and friendship, though an incident that began at a military camp sparked conflict to the point of war.

The 506th – The Commonwealth’s closest allies. Living border to border from one another, The Commonwealth and 506th would defend each other when threatened and kept order in the western lands that they occupied as two quickly responsive forces.

Rangers – While residing in Balota, The Commonwealth would often be victim to attacks and robberies organized by the Rangers. Both sides never relented from the conflict, and their fight never halted.

Dark As Midnight – Though The Commonwealth had a hatred for oppression and cannibalism, they would not often get in the way of DAMN when they patrolled to cause their chaos. Though they did not initially want the conflict, their choice was made for them when they moved to Pavlovo and allied with the 506th.

The Hawks – The primary enemy of The Commonwealth. Living on opposing sides of Chernarus, both groups would often travel miles in order to take the other down.