People of Tulga

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Dope is Hope!

Founded: 2019

Status: Disbanded

The People of Tulga were a mysterious group of survivors who celebrated each day spent alive in the apocalypse through good vibes, good music, and their signature strain of cannabis. They were the perfect band of misfits and outcasts that loved to party like there is no tomorrow. They did what they wanted, when they wanted, and however they want to do it. They believed in good energy, but weren’t afraid to get down and dirty. Above all, they considered themselves a group made by the people, for the people; acting are free and independent thinkers who live as they choose. Mainly a collective of farmers who provide all types of supplies for passers-by, their crop of choice is the Tulga Haze, which was allegedly said to bring peace and tranquility across the wasteland.


Chaotic Neutral - The People of Tulga are unpredictable folk. They tend not to get caught up in the politics of the land, having neither the time nor the attention span for it. The Tulgans turn nobody away. Misfits, hooligans, thieves, recovering bandits, raiders and cannibals; priests, fishermen and farmers were all welcome. That being said, one never knew what they will get out when they met the People of Tulga. After all, it all depended on what they were smoking that day.


The People of Tulga were free to wear what they want, but could usually be identified by a blend of purple and green attire - the same color profile as their Tulga Haze cannabis. Some citizens wore entirely civilian clothing, while others were entirely militant, and some are the perfect mix of both. One common attribute that all Tulgans shared was that they were not the best looking bunch.


Before the apocalypse, the People of Tulga were known for their primo crops. Larry, the former Mayor of Tulga, was a wicked farmer who could turn any rotting plot into a lush green forest. Unfortunately, after the world took a devastating turn, Larry was bitten by an infected and killed. The People of Tulga have decided, out of respect, to keep his undead body wandering around the hometown he once loved so dearly. Tulga, being located directly on the coast, sees a variety of travelers - from desperate survivors with nothing to lose, to armed militants, to friendly and peaceful farmers. One never knows if the next person they see wants their loot, their flesh or just their company. Nevertheless, the People of Tulga continue their fight against the darkness and continue to get lit no matter how dark it may seem. The People of Tulga started when Davee'd (founder and current mayor of Tulga) pulled out a joint of some Strawberry Sheep he got from a member of the Black Sheep named Dimebag at the Guglovo Bash. Upon smoking it, he was inspired to build a settlement of his own. Davee’d was determined to establish a camp where anyone could feel at home no matter how accepted or outcasted they may feel from society.

Davee’d continued to build the community camp he wished for along the coast. Slowly but surely, others joined him. The first settlers were El Gato and Mikhail. They had the values of Tulga at heart, and helped to blossom the camp into the goal of what it was meant to be. However, it wasn’t long before they both went missing. To this day, Davee’d has no explanation for where these members may have adventured to. The citizens of Tulga go on vision quests all the time - sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for a few weeks - but Mikhail and El Gato had grown a new batch of flower, one that clearly took them in the wrong direction. With the new batch, they set off into the woods of Tulga, and they were never to be seen again. Davee’d stayed strong and didn’t let their disappearance hinder the progression that Tulga had made. After all, he was so close to perfecting the genetics of Tulga Haze, he couldn’t give up now. One person at a time, Tulga continued to grow. Citizens like Jonny, Bread and Shane began to seek shelter in the small town; and although their stays did not last long, they also played a part in building the foundation of what Tulga is today. Over the years, Tulga acquired a variety of citizens ranging from deranged dentists to crazed professors to evil wizards.


The People of Tulga began growing cannabis in the backyards of the houses in Tulga. This quickly became their main settlement and community camp - offering food and supplies to those who find themselves fresh on the coast. As the Tulgans acquired more and more members, they expanded their territory West to Rog Castle, North to Msta, and East into the Three Valleys. They enforce this area and offer a helping hand to those that stumble through their territory. Hostility is not permitted and is met with brutal Tulgan force.


In Tulga, nobody is turned away; everyone is accepted for who they are. Outcasts, rejects, criminals, farmers, and fishermen alike, the Tulgans accept anyone who enter their town seeking a friend. The Tulgans strive to the primary growers and distributors of cannabis in Chernarus. Spreading top-quality strains throughout the land such as Lopatino Lagspike, Topolniki Trainwreck, and the classic Tulga Haze. The Tulgans are determined to remain neutral in the politics of the land. They keep to themselves in the Southeast, but are more than willing to venture out to do what they believe is right.


  • Fairness: Every member of the group is encouraged to speak up as much as possible in regards to faction politics and decision-making.
  • Strength: The Tulgans are not ones to flex their power. On the other hand, they will not be stepped on, they stand up when it is right. They also look forward to sitting back down afterwards to enjoy a fat joint.
  • Community: Once someone joins the ranks of POT, they are a member of a community. Members look out for each other first and foremost, but also try to represent POT as best as possible to the rest of the DUG community.


i. The Beginning

Davee’d had a strong relationship with the people of The Overlook. They lived closeby in Staroye and regularly crossed paths with each other. The Samaritan provided wisdom and knowledge to Davee’d as he grew his coastal organization, reminding him of what is important - hope. In the future chapters of this story, you will see how this friendship spirals into a tragedy that touched the hearts of many across the land. The Overlook plays an even larger role in the story of Tulga than you can imagine. The Overlook is also where Davee’d meets Oz - a mysterious wizard (see Notable Members). A wizard that would eventually help Davee’d rule the Southeast…

Davee’d and Oz continued to build and grow Tulga into a camp that was much more than they had ever intended it to be. However, with growth comes conflict - and that’s exactly what happened. One of the closest neighbors to Tulga besides the Overlook was the Fireflies. They lived in Pusta and were supposed to be a force for good. The People of Tulga had a decent relationship with them and at some points, the Fireflies would even visit Tulga looking for a joint or two in return for some cooked food. But as you can imagine, the apocalypse isn’t made of rainbow martinis and unicorn farts.

ii. The Fireflies

Flynt and his associates were long time friends of Davee’d. They lived near Krasnostav for a while, but later moved closer to the coast in the 3 Valleys. They built a camp up near the radio tower, perhaps looking to send out transmissions from time to time. As time went on, Flynt, like many others, disappeared without an explanation. The Fireflies took it upon themselves to dismantle Flynt’s base for the small handful of nails that it would provide. This didn’t sit right with Davee’d so he asked them to return the nails within 24 hours. The Fireflies returned within a day, but not with the nails that were expected. Instead, they came to Tulga to raid. They left a note inside the base that read, “How’s this for 24 hours?” Over the next while, the Tulgans attacked The Fireflies on more than one occasion. They broke into their home several times and destroyed the settlement that had been in Pusta for quite some time. Oz put together a squad of mercenary Tulgans, these men were more than just the stoners that ran the camp. These were men that took their combat training seriously. Oz would overwatch Pusta for days and nights on end, waiting to see their yellow armbands.

On one foggy day, Oz led a small Tulgan squad into Pusta. They set off some bait shots near Cherno and waited on the hill that ran up into Pusta. It wasn’t long before the Fireflies came running down the hill to see what was going on. A massive firefight broke out. A crazy Tulgan dentist by the name of Knuckles was incapacitated early in the fight. This loss only fueled Oz’s rage. Oz, in his usual wizard-like fashion, snapped his fingers and sent Knuckles to a safe area on the coast where he could recover. Oz continued the fight and killed multiple Fireflies that day. Most notably, he severely wounded their leader - Harry Churches. Oz approached his unconscious body, stripped him of his armband, and knew that his mission was complete. The Tulgan's believe their efforts ran the Fireflies out of Pusta. So the Tulgans followed them up to Polosovo where they continued to hammer down their walls - and this is where another historic battle took place.

The Tulgans were careful when they approached the North. They weren’t familiar with this area in the same way that they are with the coast. They knew that other forces were nearby and had to use stealth to their advantage. However, as you can imagine, gunshots, grenades and raid hammers aren’t the most quiet methods to use. It wasn’t long before the Tulgans were ambushed from a nearby treeline. Oz dropped his lockhammer and once again snapped his fingers, his rifle flew from the ground behind him into his hands. He rushed the treeline. Oz wounded two Wanderers that day. They had clearly come to help the Fireflies but they were no match. Oz stripped them of their armbands, finished the attack on Pusta, and led his squad of mercenaries back to Tulga. This was the last chapter of the feud with the Fireflies, but the feud with the Wanderers was only just beginning.

iii. The Wanderers

After the attack on the Fireflies, the Wanderers were fully involved. The Tulgans had taken their armbands and they didn’t take that lightly. The People of Tulga have a very good understanding of the politics of the land - they know that what goes around comes around and it wouldn’t be long before The Wanderers were knocking on their door. The Wanderers were quick to address the situation. They came to Tulga, armed and ready, and told the Tulgans to return the armbands or fear the consequences. The Tulgans were happy to fear the consequences, they had already defeated the Wanderers once, they could do it again. Of course, the Wanderers would deliver the consequences on their own terms, so they left Tulga that day and returned shortly after. They raided the Tulgan base and left a note explaining the reasoning behind it - their armbands. The Wanderers are a mostly nomadic faction; they call Stary Yar home but are very difficult to find there. The Tulgans are a lazy and heavily intoxicated bunch. The least of their worries was searching the North border high and low for The Wanderers. Sometimes the duration between start and finish of a conflict can sometimes be months, sometimes hours. This particular incident didn’t seem to have a definitive start or finish but it did seem to fizzle out over time.

iv. The Regime

The Regime were an unpredictable group of blood-thirsty savages. They were notorious for wearing the armbands of their victims - which really signifies the type of people they were. We had heard rumors of the Regime visiting other camps of all kinds to cause havoc. Even our close friends at The Overlook had been harassed on more than one occasion. The Samaritan had been severely injured by a member of their group known as Raja and his armband was stolen against his will. The Tulgans had managed to stay clear of conflict with the Regime for some time - but all good things come to an end. The Tulgans approached their base one day to find that their home was covered by men wearing red and black. Red is a common color used by another faction known as Dark as Midnight. However, DAMN usually acts with reason - and this was warrantless. They knew immediately that this was the Regime. They had caught some of our members with their pants down, gates left unlocked, the whole nine yards. We called for backup right away as we could tell that the numbers that they had brought far outnumbered what we had available. At the time, our only ally was The Scribes. We called them on the radio and they immediately began to move towards Tulga. A truly noble act. The Scribes had an active feud with the Regime and were more than willing to come and help. As the Regime continued knocking down the walls of the Tulgan stronghold, The Scribes began picking them off from the surrounding forest, one at a time their bodies dropped. Oz regrouped with The Scribes and pushed into the town together. Oz held the flank and spotted two Regime members trying to sneak up behind them. One of them was Raja, a legendary savage who had killed many in his time. Oz snapped his fingers and caused a twig to snap behind Raja, this was the only distraction he needed. As Raja turned to look at where the noise came from, Oz sprayed him down. After approaching his unconscious body, Oz was pleasantly surprised to find that Raja was wearing an Overlook armband, the same one he had stolen from The Samaritan. Oz took the armband, still dripping with Raja’s blood, and later returned it to his friends at the Overlook. This wasn’t the last time the Regime would visit Tulga.

v. The Forsaken Loyalists

The Scribes disappeared but the alliance was not forgotten. What came next was a surprise to the People of Tulga. Months after the disappearance of The Scribes, the Tulgans were approached by a group of bikers known as The Forsaken Loyalists. A gang of bikers with no bikes - this simple fact always amused the Tulgans. The bikeless bikers demanded that the Tulgans prove that they are not hiding the Scribes away in their base. The Tulgans never took kindly to people demanding things from them in their peaceful coastal town. So of course, the Tulgans declined. This refusal was met with extreme hostility. For a first interaction with the Forsaken Loyalists, they couldn’t have chosen a more baseless reason to attack. They returned shortly after, on more than one occasion; sometimes alone, sometimes with accompanying parties like the Regime. Regardless, they never found what they were looking for and the Tulgans never submitted to their demands. This feud with the Forsaken Loyalists continued for some time, and even now is a great example of a grudge that cannot seem to be let go.

vi. The Samaritan

The Samaritan was the founder of the Overlook - a wholesome community camp based out of Staroye. Their goal was to give hope to those that find themselves lost in the apocalypse. The Overlook was one of the closest camps to Tulga, which naturally made them friends. Davee’d regularly visited the Overlook seeking advice and friendship from the providers as he attempted to start a group of his own in Tulga. The Samaritan was a wise man who was always willing to offer a helping hand - until he made a grave mistake which resulted in one of the biggest tragedies the land had ever seen. Over the years, the Tulgans found themselves in conflict with many different groups and people. They had created enemies and developed alliances - all of which would be put into question on one fateful day.

One afternoon, the Samaritan approached Tulga and requested to speak privately with Daveed. He explained to him that an alliance was being formed to put up a fight against the notorious Dark as Midnight. When Daveed asked who else would be involved in the alliance, the Samaritan explained that the alliance involved The Fireflies, The Wanderers and a few other groups. All of which had been enemies of the Tulgans at one point or another. Daveed entertained the conversation but left his answer undecided. Daveed reflected on the conversation and realized that the alliance that was being formed contained groups that had conflict with the Tulgans in the past. He further realized that this alliance was being created against Dark as Midnight, a group that was notoriously evil, but had never harmed the Tulgans in any particular way. With the information of this alliance fresh in his mind, Daveed made a decision that would change the history of the Tulgans forever.

Davee'd took the information directly to Gorka, the hometown of Dark as Midnight. He explained to them that an alliance was being formed against them and an attack would be coming soon. Daveed betrayed the Samaritan to spite the groups that had attacked him in the past and in the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do. Eventually, an attack did take place in Gorka. However, as a result of Daveeds advice, Dark as Midnight were ready to defend their town. They successfully defended Gorka from the invading alliance.

Months later, as the Tulgans were strolling through the land, they approached Gorka to say hello but nobody could expect what would happen next. Harvey, the leader of DAMN, entered the room of Tulgans and instructed Daveed, Oz and Mocha to follow him. They followed him into the church of Gorka - a sanctuary of blood and carnage that had seen countless deaths. The Tulgans entered the church and to their surprise, saw the Samaritan standing at the alter. The Tulgans gathered around, greeted the Samaritan, and waited to see what DAMN had in mind. Harvey demanded that Daveed explain exactly what happened when the alliance against Gorka was formed. Daveed, with not much of a choice, proceeded to explain the betrayal that he had committed. That he was invited to an alliance by the Samaritan and instead took the information of the attack to Gorka so that they could prepare to defend themselves. The Samaritan had been fully exposed to DAMN. The fact that he was part of an alliance against them and was even recruiting others to strengthen their cause. DAMN did not take kindly to this information. One thing led to another and eventually it was clear what DAMN was going to do. They raised their guns, and like a display of fireworks, they fully unloaded all of their magazines into the Samaritan. He died in that church. There was no coming back from that. He was torn limb from limb, and when they were done, there was no recognizable sign of The Samaritan in sight.

The death of the Samaritan is one that is held against the Tulgans to this day. They played a major role in the successful defence of Gorka when the alliance attacked. And as a result of that successful defence, DAMN was able to hold the Samaritan accountable and execute him. However, the decision to betray the Samaritan is a decision that lays uncomfortably in the mind of Daveed. He regretted his decision to betray a friend but there was no going back. Over time, the Tulgans have tried to mend their relationship with the remaining members of the Overlook. The death of the Samaritan will never be forgotten, but the Tulgans continue to work towards a refreshed friendship with the people of Staroye.

Notable Members


Your friendly neighborhood recovering cannibal and one of the current Mayors of Tulga was once a loving father and husband who became the demon he fights everyday when his wife and child became infected with the virus. Davee’d not wanting to harm his family began to run into the darkness while his wife and child chased at his heels lusting for his flesh. His mindless wandering and killing led him to Tulga where he met Larry and El Gato, friendly farmers who saw potential and kindness in Davee’d. They gave Davee’d a home and did not judge him upon his past mistakes. It was these kind gestures that began to change Daveed's attitude towards the darkness that plagued the wasteland. Today, Davee’d quelles his urges and survival instincts to kill by smoking Tulga’s Finest Tulga Haze. Which he learned to cultivate from Larry and El Gato, “Allegedly.” But from time to time if provoked or attacked Davee’d’s inner demons and cannibalistic tendencies begin to reveal themselves. Today, Davee’d spends his time trying to seek forgiveness for his past deeds by helping all that come to Tulga. Leaving provisions of food, water, and tools for survivors to use along their journey.

Oz, The High Wizard

A troubled wizard who joined the ranks of Tulga early in it’s time. To this day, Daveed continues to believe that Oz is no more than a crazy Tulgan stoner who has taken too many hallucinogens and psychadelics - but don’t tell Oz that. The crazed wizard lives in a cave up on the misty Tulgan mountain and carries a mysteriously evil aura to him. Oz finds himself wrapped up in the politics of Tulga all too often but conflict is no mystery to him. He craves it and even creates it. The Tulgans have spent years trying to grow a strain that will finally relax the wizard but they are yet to discover it. Oz is a double-edged a sword - sometimes a wise and wholesome Tulgan, sometimes an evil and enraged wizard.

Mikhail Barýshnikov

Before the fall of civilization, Mikhail Barýshnikov used to be the pride of his family, a respected Michman (Мичман) in the Russian navy, a man of honor, a good man. No one knows exactly what happened to his career and life, but through drunken confessions the citizens of Tulga know that a mysterious catastrophic event ruined his life, he was stripped of his heritage by his family and rank in the navy. Misha, as his friends call him, will never talk about it, and will even deny to have ever been a part of the Russian navy while sober.After a catastrophic event, he found comfort in drugs. Although his path to redemption was not the usual one, he eventually found a strange sense of peace and began feeling satisfied with his way of life. However sad or depressing it may seem to others, he can for sure say that he is happy despite all the pain he has endured. He usually wears a Telnyashka (тельня́шка), just like the Russian navy used to wear, when confronted with that, he just usually shrugs it off as "It's only a striped shirt, doesn't mean anything now...". Nowadays Misha wanders around Tulga, hunting and looking for provisions to hand out to travelers and the people of Tulga. He finds happiness in the small things of life, and will always aim to share that with everyone he meets. Despite being a friendly man, some say that he can be a savage and have no mercy when he feels betrayed or that people are taking him as a fool.

Notable Relationships

The Tulgans actively interacted with any and all factions that they came into contact with, and maintained no major alliances or enemies. They did their best to remain friendly or neutral with the few factions that also reside in the Southeast. These groups were most commonly the Overlook and the Pirates of Pusta.