
Founded: February 2021
Status: Disbanded
The Regime were a group of twisted individuals who took issue with society even before the infected put an end to it. They were senselessly violent, unusually cruel, and seem to enjoy being that way very much. Each member had their own set of values, but a common hatred for the weakness of society was what allowed them to co-exist.
The Regime were the embodiment of evil. Not only did they spread suffering and destruction wherever they went, they were committed to turning others to adopt their lifestyle; competing with each other to corrupt the most moral and lawful survivors they could find.

Regime wore military and black clothing, usually accented with red. They would proudly wear armbands taken from those they had killed as trophies. The armband needed to be taken from a corpse, not stolen, and could not be given to other members to wear.

The founding members of The Regime came from different backgrounds, countries and societies. After the government collapsed, Thorn, Kovacs, Strike, Niloc and Reab found themselves among other survivors in a caravan heading along the Black Mountains. These twisted minds quickly found that their chances of survival were greater by wheating out the weak, so they made other refugees fight over supplies and food, or simply the privilege to live, which sparked great joy in this band of savages.
After they have been successfully surviving with each other's company for some time, they found their way to Chernarus with its many groups and settlements and decided to drag yet another place down into hell with them. The group set up shop in the abandoned town of Stary Sobor and started roaming the lands, looking to recruit the most savage of survivors they found rather than putting them down.

When the founding members of The Regime arrived in Chernarus, they found the central towns of Novy Sobor and Stary Sobor mostly abandoned and decided to set up shop. The towns’ central location and proximity to North West Airfield made them hope for lots of passers-by to torment.
The Regime only had one goal that overruled any other desires and served as the main drive for any and all members of the group: To corrupt as many people as possible. They believed that no person is inherently good, and that everyone has a sinister side in them which only needed a little push to be brought to the daylight. They were determined to bring this side out of anyone they met, often by forcing them to commit horrible acts of violence or psychological torment. They would get irritated and antagonized when individuals refused to commit such acts, leading to suffering or simple mockery for those who tried to prove them wrong. This also provided a unique opportunity for the people of Chernarus as a group with such a clear cut drive would be easy to influence and manipulate. If someone could prove their worth and savagery to The Regime, they would be rewarded with gifts. The Regime were an opportunistic bunch. If one could divert their attention to someone even weaker or more glorious to fight, the bandits would jump on this convenience in an instant.
Above all else the Regime valued suffering. Whether that was other people’s suffering or their own didn’t matter to them, as long as blood was spilled. Members could oftentimes be seen ritualistically cutting themselves or each other across their limbs or chest, and would also do this to mark a specific area for conquest.
Another integral part of The Regime was a show of strength. While not every member of the group believed in this, leading to arguments and brawls, the majority of them would only accept the word of the strong and ruthless whilst trying to crush anyone showing even an inch of compassion, empathy or morality.
The general capacity of the Regime for suffering and violence was well-known in South Zagoria, and some of their more bold exploits remain forever seared into the memory of those they left behind. Stories of intimidation and wanton savagery like the Bor Massacre, occupying the Aid station, the Polana incident, and the beatdown all resonate with those that survive to this day.
Occurring shortly after the Regime’s inception, the sadistic Novaya Petrovka school day - in which survivors were rounded up and forced to play school games with a penalty of death for the loser - was a powder-keg of repressed aggression and violence. After the execution of one of their own for refusing to kill his opponent in a boxing match, the Scribes decided enough was enough; opening fire on the Regime and some of the nearby Dark as Midnight. The ensuing firestorm led to a string of attacks and raids on the Scribe’s home compound of Altar that left many dead in its wake.
Notable Members
Thorn - One of the founding members, Thorn was considered a de-facto leader due to his cunning and brutality.
Kovacs - The other founding member and leader, Kovacs was seen as more stable and reasonable than Thorn. He was responsible for many of the Regime’s more subtle schemes and plans.
Mort - Adopted by the group and used as the ultimate example of the success of the Regime’s corrupting process, Mort was a simple and innocent soul whom Thorn and Jovacs taught to use his pent-up pain and anger for nefarious means.
The Regime considered everyone hostile, and generally acted hostile towards everyone. However, some of their enemies were more well-known than others.
Dark as Midnight - Started out on neutral terms, due to similar goals, their relationship ended in war following the Polana incident.
The Scribes - In the beginning the Scribes served as a pet project of sorts to The Regime, showing great potential but ultimately ended in a conflict following the events of the Novaya School day.
The Vigil - After The Regime wrestled the Vigil into submission following the great Bor massacre, The Vigil paid reprimands in the form of blood bags and human meat they were to obtain by their visitors.