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Wolffe was known as one of the last-seen members of The Hawks still standing in South Zagoria since their sudden departure. He was originally a soldier of The Commonwealth Millitary, though his loyalties eventually shifted in favor of their enemy. After betraying what was left of his former friends in The Commonwealth, their allies The 506th and The Outrider Caravan Company, he had barely escaped with his life as he was captured and the vengeful mob were closing in on him. Though he later lived his life to the fullest alongside his brothers – The Hawks – Wolffe had never again been able to sleep without one eye opened. He had made enemies with most of the West, and even the people he fought and bled alongside with had eventually left without a trace.


Wolffe was rarely seen without his skinned white wolf headdress and fur bushrag. He covered his face with a gray facemask and typically wore a white digi-camo tactical shirt, paired with a black set of pants; and on his left arm, tightly wrapped – the white armband representing The Hawks.


Before the outbreak, Wolffe had never sought thrills or excitement. He settled contently with his membership at an academy for music and his pursuit of a stable and normal life. Though his life may have been mundane, his struggle with authority was known to create complications. He believed that deconstructing compositions that theoretically worked would eventually create something new – something that was different, free of the rules and boundaries of music. His pursuit for that forbidden symphony had caused many setbacks in his path as a student. He had often felt like a single note, trapped between the bars in the sheet music with no key to let him out.


  • In the early days of the outbreak, Wolffe had isolated himself from humanity as much as he could – witnessing all the terrible things people would do to each other for a single can of food. He trusted no one for the better part of a month or so, until he decided to give a certain survivor a chance.
  • While he was a soldier of The Commonwealth, Wolffe would often go out of his way to aid strangers in need. He held onto the moto of his brothers, trusting in humanity to do the right thing and fix the world that had been broken. Though his intentions were mostly pure, he had questioned orders and argued with his superiors frequently.
  • As one of The Hawks, Wolffe had fully embraced the chaos of the current world. He had burned the ties he once had and lived a life in which he believed he was truly free. Often patrolling the Western part of Chernarus alongside the rest of the Hawks, he would try to snuff out all order, society, and rebuilding of the old world – by any means necessary. Though he was not afraid to shed blood for his own gain, Wolffe would never raise a weapon against those few who understood his side of the story, and those who offered him sanctuary despite the price on his head.


I. Arriving in Chernarus

Wolffe had ended up on the southeastern shoreline after a month of fending for himself and staying clear of other survivors. Though he eventually fell ill from an unknown infection during his skirmishes against the elements. As his vision blurred and sweat poured down his face, he had no choice but to put his fate in the hands of what was left of humanity. In an isolated town called Pusta, he had finally found someone to aid him. His name was Foundling Jay. He had shared his food and medicine with Wolffe as they sat down near the water pump exchanging stories. Jay had explained to Wolffe the lay of the land surrounding them, the various people that lived in the nearby towns and those who wandered around them. Though Wolffe had taken some medications, he was not yet free of his illness, so his newly met companion suggested they visit a nearby town called Staroye, which was the sanctuary home of The Overlook. When they arrived at Staroye they came upon a very unpleasant sight. What was described as a safe-haven for survivors had been littered with remains of human meat and severed limbs. The crops that had been growing were soaked in blood, and there were no hosts to greet them at their home. It was then that a group of individuals dressed in black and orange arrived at the scene of the crime. They had their guns at the ready and immediately began asking questions related to the state of the place. While Wolffe pleaded his innocence, he had noticed that his companion was very familiar with these new people, and when they finally introduced themselves as Torchwood, he understood that Jay was a Foundling within their ranks. The man who lead their party, Phoenix Arsonist as he called himself, believed that Wolffe did not commit the slaughter at Staroye. He then explained to Wolffe the purpose of his people, and their belief in an entity called "The Light". Torchwood had helped Wolffe back onto his feet and sent him forth on his path. Though he never ended up pursuing their religion, he had never forgotten what they had done for him.

II. Trusting in humanity

In the following days, Wolffe had eventually come upon another man who was unaware of his presence, in a town called Guglovo. The man was fending off the infected as Wolffe contemplated what to do. He would normally not have hesitated and taken the man’s life in fear of his own, but because of his restored hope in humanity, he decided against such an action. Wolffe had called out to the stranger, and they exchanged pleasantries. Doc, as Wolffe called him because of his former profession, was looking for his friend who he was supposed to meet in Staroye – but he had accidentally overshot his way into Guglovo. Wolffe knew the way as he had just come from there, so he led the man to his supposed meeting point as they got to know each other along the way. Shortly after, Darryl – aka Doc’s friend – had arrived. The three of them ended up forming a bond of friendship and took off on the road together. After a brief separation, Darryl had found an organization of people who used to be part of a military regiment that got stranded from their corps during the outbreak. Wolffe and Darryl both ended up enlisting within their ranks as the future seemed much more promising with a number of people they could trust alongside them. They never saw Doc again since they separated. The army they had joined was called The Commonwealth, who were led by their Major, "Beef". They wore military BDU camo clothing, blue helmets, and blue armbands. Their current base of operations was in a coastal town called Balota, neighboring their allies, Brothers In Arms (The BIA), in Chernogorsk. Wolffe had found many friends within their ranks, forming close bonds with Sgt. Sean, Corp. Angel, and of course, Darryl. Though he had made friends with some, there were those he did not see eye to eye with, and internal conflict between him and his superiors never ceased. During his time in The Commonwealth, Wolffe had learned to try and help those in need, even if the risk of losing his own life was high. Alongside his friends, he would often aid those unfortunate enough to need nurturing or food, regardless of their ambitions or background. He had finally become capable of trusting again, though that did not last for too long.

III. The Coastal War

During a case of "friendly fire" on the southwestern coast where an armed member of BIA had been shot by Wolffe at a military encampment, the alliance of The Commonwealth and Brothers In Arms had been greatly fractured. The injured member of BIA had returned alongside one of his superiors to the base of The Commonwealth in Balota, where the tension between the two groups increased. As the major of The Commonwealth was clashing words with consigliere Odessa of BIA, Wolffe had interjected in the exchange. His speaking out of line had angered Odessa to the point where she had punched Wolffe in the head for his transgressions. The punch had struck a nerve as it landed at an injury Wolffe had sustained from Rangers Chernarus in a previous encounter. As his head rung in pain and his vision blurred, Wolffe had pulled out his .45 and shot at Odessa. The bullet had grazed her head and knocked her unconscious. Shortly after she had been returned safely home to Chernogorsk, The BIA had sent a message to The Commonwealth, declaring The Coastal War.

The Coastal War had mostly transpired with the two groups that had started it, but others have also joined in on the fight - such as The 506th allying with The Commonwealth, and The Wanderers fighting alongside Brothers In Arms. Though both sides had suffered losses and achieved victories, The Coastal War had ended in a stalemate. The Commonwealth had left the coastal town of Balota, settling down in Pavlovo near their allies in Zelenogorsk and signing a ceasefire with BIA. Though the war had ended, Wolffe had made an enemy of Odessa and they would meet again later in his journey.

IV. The Fall of the Commonwealth

When the Commonwealth had their base of operations moved to Pavlovo, they were often engaged in combat against a group that lived in Turovo, called The Hawks. This was a difficult era for the kind-hearted soldiers wearing the blue armbands, as some even deserted The Commonwealth to avoid further bloodshed – such as Sean, Angel, and Darryl. Wolffe had not decided to leave alongside his friends, as he felt that he needed to finish the fight that they had started, and so he was left to witness a heavy loss after a planned attack on the base in Turovo. Many of his fellow soldiers had fallen in battle that day, though he was lucky enough to survive by disobeying orders to charge into the fray. After a brief retreat, he eventually doubled back to the northeast, raising a white flag near the isolated church on the cliffs and burying the fallen within its garden. The losses were so heavy that soon after The Commonwealth itself had dissolved its ranks. Some of its soldiers left for good and were never seen again. Others – including the high-ranking officers – were offered positions within The 506th. Wolffe, however, did neither of those things. He accepted residency in Zelenogorsk, though he often retreated to his isolation at the toxic gas zone off the site of Pavlovo. He had built a hideout there atop the hospital, and used his time alone to reflect and decide how to move forward with all he had witnessed. It was no secret that he had blamed his superiors in The Commonwealth for what he believed was a senseless war with too many unnecessary casualties. He had lost many friends, though he had finally found the peace and quiet he needed to mourn them.

V. The Betrayal

As Wolffe had been strolling through the streets of Zelenogorsk, he had seen a man who had just finished speaking with the 506th exiting one of the buildings. The man wore a white and blue-striped telnyashka and a blue beret, under which he had a ragged eyepatch covering his left eye and a gray bandana. The cloth that was tied around his arm was white. Wolffe knew that not only was he one of The Hawks – but their leader. He had heard of this man called Conway, though he had never met him face to face before. The two spoke in the middle of Zelenogorsk, surrounded by members of The 506th mediating the situation. Conway had explained to Wolffe how he and his men soared freely within the skies, while Wolffe was limited to reap only the spoils of the ground. He spoke of how The Commonwealth had attacked The Hawks unprovoked, and how they had failed in their assault. Though Wolffe felt the loss of his friends heavily, he did not dispute the words of the Hawk. In fact, deep down – he agreed with him. Shortly after parting ways, Wolffe had began scheming his own plans to take revenge upon those who led his friends to their deaths – and he planned on using his former enemy in order to achieve this goal. On January 28th, at a neutral sanctuary called St. Joe’s, Wolffe had arranged to meet Conway in secret. As it stood, the superiors of The Commonwealth who had engaged in a war against The Hawks were now their mutual enemiesConway naturally wished to take them down in retaliation for their attacks, and Wolffe wished to avenge his fallen brothers who were ordered to march into the conflict. The Hawks – though few in number – were the muscle necessary to fulfill Wolffe’s plan, and he had earned the trust of their enemies, collecting all the needed info to know where and when to strike. A deal was made and the two had coordinated two separate attacks upon The 506th, under which the former Commonwealth leaders now served.

  • The first attack happened on February 12th. Wolffe had set out with three of the former Commonwealth members and made camp overnight in a forest north of the Sobors. Also aware of their rough location were The Hawks and The Forsaken Loyalists, who were honing in with night vision. Their approach was made easier by the unexpected shot from one of Wolffe’s companions, who had fired as a jest. Within minutes of that shot, Hawks and FL had opened fire upon their enemies taking them by surprise. Though the plan had mostly worked, due to the darkness, Wolffe had sustained an injury by being mistaken as an enemy and shot in the shoulder.
  • The second attack happened a month later. Wolffe had been asked to accompany The 506th on a hunt for a member of the Cult of Papa that had reportedly been sighted along the western woods. Wolffe had suspected that The 506th were onto him by now, as they set up defensive positions and waited as if they were expecting someone to attack multiple times on their run. But nevertheless, The Hawks were already on their way. After a long walk, seven members of The 506th along with Wolffe, set up camp in a barn just East of Krona Castle. It was not long before the first suppressed shots had been fired from the Western tree line. Ambushed, The 506th were in an isolated building in the middle of open field with no evacuation plan. By the end of the short one-way gunfire, six of the soldiers that Wolffe had been accompanying lay on the ground defeated. Wolffe had then emerged from the barn and met with Conway and the Hawk that backed him up. Wolffe’s cover was at this point most likely blown, but The Hawks had an idea to cause even more chaos before the word got out.
  • As the blood was flowing in the open fields, Wolffe, Conway and Kamren were joined by an ally of The Hawks called DJ. The four of them had schemed up a plan, but their window of opportunity was closing fast. The Hawks and DJ took off a 506th Armband each from the bodies that lay before them, as well as other articles of clothing, and disguised themselves as their enemy. They went to a trading outpost near Sosnovka that was ran by The Outrider Caravan Company – which were close allies to The 506th and some of them were friends with Wolffe. As they approached their gates, Wolffe had called out to the traders that he – alongside some "506th soldiers" – were there to exchange some weapons. ORCC gladly opened their gates and unknowingly let the wolves in sheep’s clothing into their pen. In order for their cover to not be blown, The Hawks mostly stood quiet and let Wolffe do the talking. Though he found it difficult in his heart to do what he had to. The ambush they had done earlier was justice in Wolffe’s eyes, but these people have been nothing but kind to him so far. He turned his head towards Conway, who nodded to him to distill confidence. Suddenly, Wolffe saw his former friends as supplier of the enemy that would undoubtedly begin to hunt him by the end of the day. As the three members of ORCC had briefly turned their backs, Wolffe had signaled The Hawks to do what they came to do. Within a few seconds, the traders had been riddled with bullets from those they thought were their allies – and word of Wolffe’s betrayal spread throughout the West.

Wolffe had now lost all he had, though he felt a weight off his chest as he turned to The Hawks and saw Conway handing him a white armband. To some, he betrayed all that cared for him and turned to evil, but to him – he had avenged his fallen brothers and freed himself.

VI. The Aftermath

In the following weeks, Wolffe and The Hawks had been living off the chaos of the modern world. Often fighting battles outnumbered ten to one as they had enemies at every corner. Conway and Wolffe had both accumulated a heavy price on their heads, and wherever their names were mentioned – there were those who were ready to collect. While recovering from a gunshot injury at his former hometown of Balota, Wolffe had been cornered by two friends of The Outrider Caravan Company. Captured and tied inside a house, he witnessed as his assailants contacted those he betrayed via a handheld radio. Within the hour, two members of ORCC had arrived at the scene to confirm that it was, in fact, Wolffe that was apprehended. After confirming his identity, the four of them dragged him outside to the street – waiting on a 5th who was driving a car over. Wolffe had started to lose hope, knowing that if they managed to take him to either Zelenogorsk or the ORCC Outpost, he would be executed. As they finally touched the concrete of the street, shots began flying towards Wolffe’s captors. In the chaos, he quickly lay prone atop the grass near a fence. The battle was not going well for his enemies, as one of them even attempted to kill Wolffe as if to take him down with them. A shot did land, and Wolffe had been gravely injured, though a couple bullets later his attacker had also been dealt with. Still tied and bleeding out, Wolffe looked up to see the person who came to his rescue, and it was none other than his friend and leader – Conway.

The leader of The Hawks eventually journeyed to a new land on a personal mission, leaving the rest of his group to deal with Chernarus by themselves. A month had passed before a man by the name of Fletcher came before The Hawks, relaying to them a message that Conway is calling them over to join him. However, this message did not manage to reach Wolffe in time before the rest of them departed, as he had been roaming by himself in the West, contacting old friends who were still loyal to him. As he found out that The Hawks had left without him, Wolffe fell into a rage that he had never felt before. He was determined to find answers, and he knew that Fletcher was the one who had them. He had searched for him for weeks, and finally found him as he came to attend a Black Market Event organized by The Forsaken Loyalists. Wolffe had confronted Fletcher, who came to the event with a friend by the name of Abigail. Fletcher pled that it was not his fault that the rest of The Hawks left Wolffe behind without telling him a word, though Wolffe could never believe such a thing. He would rather believe that Fletcher had tricked The Hawks into leaving. As Wolffe became angrier, he gripped his weapon tightly and unloaded three rounds into Abigail, who stood peacefully silent even before Wolffe had killed her in cold blood. Fletcher and Wolffe exchanged a few heated words as The Forsaken Loyalists and the Black Market customers stood by and watched. The conversation never gave Wolffe any comfort, and to add insult to injury – Fletcher just turned around and began to leave, though Wolffe’s anger had not yet been quenched. He held aloft his weapon once more and began dumping his entire magazine in the direction of Fletcher. The bikers had made a deal with Wolffe beforehand, assuring him that they will not interrupt whatever Wolffe wanted to do with Fletcher, though one of their hired security did not get that memo. As Wolffe saw his target fall to the ground, a sharp object pierced his upper body – the hired security person had driven a pitchfork through his shoulder in order to stop his actions. Overburdened by the pain, Wolffe could not make sure that he had killed Fletcher, though he carried on believing that he did.

Where Is He Now?

Since the days of The Commonwealth, Wolffe’s health had been degrading due to a wound he suffered to the head. His head rang in waves as pain engulfed his body and his vision began to blur. He was now living on borrowed time. Recently injured as he almost lost an arm to a farming tool, Wolffe retreated to his former home at Pavlovo, where he had attempted to lick his wounds with a bottle of rum given to him by a friend, and sat down to recollect on past events and write a final entry in his journal. By accident, Wolffe had knocked over the glass bottle, making it shatter loudly when it clashed against the floorboards beneath him. He got up to open a window in order to investigate that the noise had attracted a few infected stragglers outside. As he sighed in frustration, he heard the call of his faithful avian companion approaching. The bird descended from its flight and landed on his arm as he smiled for the first time in what felt like forever. Wolffe shuffled through his pockets and pulled out a note that he then rolled up and attached to the bird’s collar – it quickly set off to deliver his message, leaving him to deal with the aggravated infected scratching upon the door downstairs. As he stood before the door, gripping his barbed baseball bat, the ringing in his head had returned. It hurt immensely to the point where Wolffe’s most difficult moments replayed to him as flashing memories – reminding him that what he’s been through is slowly killing him, no longer living the short-lived freedom he felt with The Hawks. As he turned his head, his attention shifted towards the old grand piano he would spend hours tuning and fixing up. Suddenly, his worries and pain were all but fading memories. He sat down before the instrument and began to play. The notes resonating from within the house began to slowly attract more and more infected toward him. Though their numbers were now in the dozens, loudly bashing against the doors while trying to get in – Wolffe did not care. He had drowned out the ringing in his head and filtered out the sounds of the infected breaking in with the melody that came from his heart. The next time someone visited the same house, all the doors had been broken down, blood dripped from the piano and the carpet was soaked in red.

Though no one can confirm his fate, Wolffe is presumed to be dead.

Notable Relationships

The Commonwealth - Though Wolffe had initially been enlisted within their ranks, The Commonwealth had forced him and his friends to charge into a senseless war that resulted in a tragic defeat. Ever since that moment, Wolffe had been determined to avenge his brothers and take down the remaining members of The Commonwealth wherever they hid and by any means necessary.

The 506th - Wolffe had many friends within the ranks of the 506th, but he made enemies with them through the pursuit of his revenge killings of The Commonwealth members who had enlisted within their group. Though most of them hunted him since his betrayal, a select few understood his side of the story and had no quarrel with him.

The Outrider Caravan Company - Wolffe was a trading partner with ORCC, up until his betrayal when he led Hawks disguised as members of the 506th in their outpost and had them shot in the back. Ever since that moment, they have been on the lookout to get their revenge upon Wolffe and execute him for his crimes.

Rangers Chernarus - During his service in The Commonwealth, The Rangers had ambushed Wolffe as he was harvesting lumber and dragged him to a lonely caravan. After using him as a hostage to extort The Commonwealth, they inflicted an injury to his head that slowly began killing him over time. Ever since that moment, Wolffe had hunted the Rangers and shot them upon sight.

The Pirates of Pusta - After coming across the pirates while they were raiding a bookshop in Dolina, he was forced to do the heavy lifting for them in exchange for food and supplies. They later took Wolffe on a run and invited him to their home, The Port of Pusta, where Wolffe and their leader - Captain Buscuits - became friendly and shared stories with eachother.

Forsaken Loyalists - Though many speculated that FL and Wolffe were on friendly terms, their relationship had always remained strictly as a business. They were Wolffe's primary trading partners as well as hirers for his and the Hawks' mercenary roles.

The Vigil - The Vigil have always been good to Wolffe, as he has been to them. Even after his betrayal, they remained neutral in the conflict and accepted Wolffe as a guest within their Sanctuary whenever he passed by.