Outrider Caravan Company

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Year Founded: 2021

Status: Active

The Outriders are a band of post-apocalyptic traders and those who provide them with safety and protection during their line of work. They strive to answer the growing need for commerce, as well as establish a proper network for trade across South Zagoria; aiming to function similarly to the trade companies of the old Wild West. They provide a transportation of goods across the region by contract and offer a safe trading outpost for travelers both local and foreign - believing that a strong commercial foundation is the best course on the path to rebuild society.

To the Outriders, to open up as a trader - especially one that deals in arms - means dealing with everyone and becoming embroiled in, the victim of, the instigator, funding, winning and losing many wars and skirmishes. They have weathered many difficulties, adapted and moved around the map, similarly to the old caravanners that The Company attempts to emulate.

With their initially established trading post near the town of Sosnovka, The Outrider Caravan Company has formed close ties with the predominant groups in the western regions of the map. While expanding their network, many survivors have come across their caravans on the road, or even visited their trade posts in the West around Green Mountain, on the streets of Chernogorsk, or perhaps discovered smaller operative stations to the North and East.


Lawful Neutral

The Outrider Caravan Company is structured into three chains of command focused on trade, security, and scavenging. The captains of each branch form a tribunal that votes on decisions which affect the entire company.

In their dealings with the remnants of the dystopian society, they are willing to trade with anyone that respects them and their trade post, though they would not hesitate do whatever is necessary in order to protect themselves and their goals. They aim to be a guiding hand for society itself through commerce, using their influence as a respectable trading organization that isn’t afraid to get its hands dirty.

Individually, members can be motivated by their idealism, profits or just looking for an honest job.


Most Outriders wear practical articles of clothing, suitable for the life they lead - often in tones of brown, grey, blue, and green.

Their merchants could be dressed in a more colorful and civilian manner, while their guards would use tactical gear.

In the early days of their establishment, their members could be recognized by grey armbands wrapped around their arms, while sometimes wearing the same color-corresponding bandanas. Nowadays their armbands are colored tan-brown with the logo of their company emblazoned upon it.


In 2021, Samuel J. Finch and Squirrel left the Pavlovo Trade Union in order to attempt to make new lives elsewhere. After Squirrel’s Novo Trade Union collapsed, he was approached by Finch, who during his time in Vigil, had to perform a tour with the Merchant Navy. He came back to Squirrel with the idea for a new trade company that was designed to survive the new era of the world - one that took inspiration from the law bringers, gunslingers and cowboys of the Old West.

By October of the same year, now 'Chief' Samuel Finch had the Outrider Caravan Company up and running with the help of Jordan (of Rangers Chernaurus) taking charge of the guardsmen and Birdy looking after the merchant business.


The Outrider Caravan Company had expanded their business ventures into multiple corners of Chernarus, the most notable of which being:

Outer Heaven: Near Sosnovy Pass, within the borders of 506th territory was the trading outpost where the group had been initially established. It has always been regarded as a familiar location close to home for many of their members.

ORCC International Flea Market, Chernogorsk: With the company's desire to franchise, they moved to the coastal city searching for new business opportunities. The city became the group's sole home after a destructive season of storms.

Half Island - Chernogorsk: Focusing on Chernogorsk came with a need for proper fortification, with Twisted Tea directing the group's resources and disliking the small footprint of the international hotel, the extended pier in south-east Cherno became home to the trade post and inspired neighbors from all around; with Cannery Row relocating from Dolina to Chernogorsk at this time, bringing their militia of Ravens alongside them, with others eventually settling nearby as well.

Green Mountain Military Base: After different hardships brought nearly all residents of Chernogorsk under the ORCC umbrella, it was ultimately decided that in order to keep everyone safe that the group would have to move back inland again - somewhere they could make a splash and prove to others that their caravan still had soft power in the West. Green Mountain Military Base allowed them to do just that and become a very central point on the map, allowing their trade post to become more accessible to people from all corners of the land.

Sinistok Trade Post: When greed and mismanagement of resources caused a rift in the group at the mountain, the land was given back to the Dark Carnival to steward as some caravanners even joined their ranks, while trusted leadership stepped away from the group. A number of merchants, scavengers, and guardsmen resisted the temptation of the carnival and used this opportunity to set up operations in the farm compound east of Sinistok, not unlike their original home at Sosnovy Pass, but this time with new neighbors who's trust would be much more difficult to earn.

The Outrider Caravan Company aims to establish safe trading posts and establish a network for commerce across South Zagoria, believing that trade can be used as a bargaining chip and a guiding hand in rebuilding the dystopian wastelands.


The core values of ORCC reflect what they feel is most important to the foundations of both a strong society as well as a strong trade company:

Trust - At the very core of any trade deal or society is some level of trust. Trust that contracts will be honored, and trust in friends and members that can be relied on. Nothing can be built without this trait.

Loyalty - Once trust is established, loyalty can be built. Loyalty to their customers, and a lasting loyalty between them and their friends, making certain that any relationship can continue. As they believe that nothing could be built without trust, so they believe that nothing can last without loyalty.

Commerce - People would always need things, especially in times of an apocalypse. It’s the company's job to foster an environment for cooperation and exchange - and maybe profit while doing so.

Discretion - Operating with confidentiality and putting trust in members to make the necessary calls.

“Discretion is key at ORCC” - Eggfoot

Hospitality - To welcome a deal with any person, until they cross a line.



Notable Characters

Samuel J. Finch - Founding member. Served in the Merchant Navy, the Pavlovo Trade Union and Vigil. Left a lingering legacy in the group with some of the original trade deals.

Squirrel - Founding member. Came from the Pavlovo Trade Union and ran his own Trade Union before ORCC. Though he fled South Zagoria for a brief period of time, he eventually returned to Chernarus.

Daniel “Eggfoot” McNasty - Captain. Filled Finch’s role as leader. Was a first-time merchant and who earned his promotions as time went on.

Twisted - Captain. Another fresh recruit that worked his way up from intern, to guardsman, to Captain. Focused the group at Chernogorsk under his tenure.


The Lost Legion - Friendly - TLL came from the South Zagorian People's Army which was founded by Alex, a close friend of ORCC.

The Collective - Neutral - The relationship between The Collective and ORCC has been rocky after a shootout in a field between the two groups.

Vigil - Neutral - The Vigil and ORCC have been good neighbors for a long time, their relationship had always been on the better side.

Order of the Isle - Hostile - After a trade had been set up between the Order and ORCC, the member of the company who had been executing the trade was gunned down in cold blood. Their relationship has been hostile ever since.

The 506th - Friends - Initially being the group that hosted ORCC underneath its territory, the 506th had since the very start been close friends and military allies to the company.

Dark Carnival - Neutral - ORCC had always had a neutral relationship with the Carnival. Eventually moving in at Green Mountain, they took over the Carnivals former home, whilst housing the leftover clowns at Lollipop Tower.

FOX - Hostile - Throughout time, FOX and ORCC had exchanged multiple shots in constant combat. Their relationship is strictly hostile, especially after a shootout between the two groups involving The Collective.

Forsaken Loyalists - Hostile - A competing trade club. Their relationship had been hostile as the biker gang had always aimed to extort the company through trade.