Andi Walker

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Affiliations: Fire Keepers

Status: Deceased

Andi Walker was a survivor from New Zealand who worked tirelessly with the Fire Keepers to promote justice, peace, and prosperity to all the good people in South Zagoria. With the death of Tex Rockwolf and the eventual disbandment of allied factions like the Fire Keepers and Guardians, Andi found herself reaching out to other survivors for guidance and comfort in a move that would ultimately put her in the crosshairs of many others. Andi Walker was a character who spent much of her time in South Zagoria on the run, but her story was one that touched many and forced others think about the good, evil, and questionable decisions all survivors are forced to make in these darkest of times.



Andi came to the country with her brother Percy, who became infected like so many others and was eventually killed by Andi. She embraced Dixie, Tex, and the rest of the Fire Keepers in her time of suffering; using her experience with her brother as a source of strength. Andi took her oath to the Fire Keepers as the Paragon of Perseverance.



A fellow Fire Keeper named Judge Richter asked Andi to become the Head Marshal after she executed a rogue Fire Keeper and close friend, Flow, who had jeopardized the lives of her new family; the action showing dedication to justice and the protection of her family. While Head Marshal, Andi became close to Dragarian before he became a member of the Cult of Papa. With Tex dying, Dixie leaving the country and the new generation of Guardians seeming foreign to her, she went to carve her own path as a lone Fire Keeper. Her travels brought her close to an old friend and newly appointed alpha of Black Paw named John Stalvern, and they shared many moments with each other in the dying embers of the apocalypse. However, John’s morphine addiction could not be cured, and eventually Andi chose to aid John in ending his suffering. Unfortunately for Andi, John’s demise would not be taken lightly by his many friends and other survivors. Groups like Serdtse Vollka, Flock, the Cult of Papa, and Dark as Midnight all saw Andi as either a murderer or a pawn for political gain. She was captured and miraculously escaped the clutches of Dark as Midnight after being used by them to betray the Cult of Papa; taking refuge among other survivors such as the Black Sheep whilst trying to outrun those that would cause her harm.

Notable Relationships

Joseph "Tex" Kirche -

Judge Richter -

John Stalvern -

Walter Greene - Andi and Walter were both long-term survivors of Chernarus, their paths first crossed with both being present alongside the rest of the Fire Keepers and Guardians at the funeral of the Guardians leader Jari. She a Fire Keeper at the time, Walter a Guardian Prospect. Though they seldom spoke at length, Andi and Walter often happened upon each each other in many different locations across Chernarus due to their mutual friend John Stalvern. Their friendship grew strained when a group named Shield, of which Walter was now a member, grew increasingly hostile with the Northeastern based groups due to their alliance with the paramilitary organizations that lived in the Northwest, Brotherhood and Duty. John becoming a member of Black Paw and Walter following him soon after compounded the issue as, after years of survival in country, they had adopted two vastly different approaches of survival. Andi by the way of compassion and peace, Walter by deception and his rifle. Walter and John had become close friends at this point, sharing an entire apartment they claimed for themselves down in Chernogorsk and dubbed Isengard after their mutual love for Tolkien fantasy. When John was killed, Walter spent the next two years turning over every rock in Chernarus and trying to locate Andi. Friends of hers caught in the crossfire were shown scant mercy. While there were several occasions of the Old Wolf nipping at the Old Fire Keepers heels and being moments too late, she was finally killed captured and killed by Walter and his newly formed group The Flock. Cassette tapes have begun to circulate Chernarus bearing her voice in song, it is said to have been recorded at the Black Cross Aid Station two hours before her death. In the immediate aftermath of her murder, Walter visited his close friend Redstar and confessed to regretting the action as, "It didn't change anything."

Where are they now?

Eventually, Andi's story would come to an end at the hands of John Stalvern’s friend and Flock leader Walter on the docks of Berezino. There, she was killed and her soul returned to the friends and loved ones that she had seen pass before her.