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Group/Faction Affiliation: Dark as Midnight

Status: Deceased

Completely unhinged and delusional, Cat managed to survive the viral outbreak that plagued Chernarus only to end up in Dark as Midnight’s clutches. The former school teacher was kept in Gorka and, rather than given the mercy of death, was taken in as a warboy. Eventually, she proved herself to the gruesome gang, and was fully initiated. In the final stage of her life she was often seen roaming the east coast with a constant companion, hunting for the next innocent person to torture and cannibalize. Her morphine addiction and human consumption ultimately ended her reign of terror. She left Gorka to die in a secret location, assisted by a close friend and mentor. As of now, only one person in all of Chernarus knows where Cat’s final resting place is.


Cat was easily identifiable by her white collared black dress and stained white gloves. Her fair skinned face was always covered with a red mask and thickly framed eyeglasses. Atop her head, covering her short black hair, rested a beret. She never went anywhere without her favorite shotgun, which she called her “Eraser”.


Cat came from a wealthy, but strict household that was full of luxury and absent of love. After her mother died of a rare blood cancer, her father secluded himself away in his study. He spent his time tending to his work as a university professor while neglecting his daughter. He often gifted her various small animals to keep her company, but failed to notice or question why her pets consistently went missing. Despite her father's lack of parenting, Cat grew up to admire him and decided to follow in his footsteps.

In adulthood she pursued a career in education which took her from America and brought her across the world to a city named Chernogorsk. She took a position at the local school teaching English to young children. When the mysterious viral outbreak began, she and her school children were trapped inside their classroom. Days went by until finally Cat escaped the school which was surrounded by the raging infected. She stood by as the children fled the area, watching as they each were attacked and killed without any chance of survival. They served as the perfect bait and allowed Cat to run away unnoticed. Eventually she found herself at the feet of Dark as Midnight and was allowed to make a new home in Gorka.


Those that were fortunate enough to meet her and walk away would describe Cat as a dangerously insane woman. She was a cannibal and addict hopelessly lost to morphine and kuru. The only predictable things about her behavior were constant laughter, body twitches, and terrible violence. In truth, she was a woman battling to keep her last threads of sanity and humanity, ultimately losing both in the end. Survivors of her wrath have described a menacingly cheerful voice and childlike mannerisms that served to draw in her prey. Many accounts claim that she continued to fulfill her dream of being a teacher by giving horrible "lessons" to her victims, usually in the form of torture and subsequently death. At times she would hallucinate her long dead school children, speaking and singing to them as she maimed and murdered.


Cat (left) stands across from her love interest and obsession, Iris (right). Between them stands their leader and friend, Draven Sanguine, unaware that in the coming days he would be betrayed by the pair of wicked women.

Through the misplaced generosity of others and pure luck, Cat managed to survive in Chernarus long enough to stumble into the sinister streets of Gorka. It was the spring of 2019 when she was found by the infamous gang that resides there, Dark as Midnight, led by the terrifying Draven Sanguine. Emaciated and deranged, she was already primed to become a perfect addition to their posse of psychopaths. Rather than feeding her to upcoming warboys or enslaving her for their own use, two members saw potential in her. Under the boot of a thug known as Hades and the mentorship of Caine "Devil" Altradoran, she was weaponized as a warboy, and eventually became a fully initiated member of DAMN.

During this time she met and became obsessed with a senior member, a manipulative woman who referred to herself as Iris. The two women eventually became romantically involved, often calling each other pet names while causing misery together. Cat was so intent on pleasing Iris that she did whatever was asked of her. She went as far as blasting the chest out of one of her fellow warboys on Iris’s command. For months the pair was inseparable, until it was revealed that the romance was a sham. Their relationship came to an emotional end when Iris claimed that she was using Cat as a replacement for another woman she had once loved. Despite the heartbreak, Cat continued to obsess over Iris, and would talk about her “pretty flower” to anyone who was forced to listen. Later on, it would come to light what Iris’s true intentions were, giving Cat another opportunity to vie for her affection.

With their twisted mother and son dynamic, where one went, so did the other. It was extremely rare to encounter Cat without hearing her say, 'Hi! I'm Cat and this is my Charlie', as she presented him to victims like a proud parent.

Months passed and Cat continued down her path of madness. Alongside her, a man named Chip had also graduated from a lowly warboy status. The pair developed a bond during their trials as warboys and often traveled the Berezino hunting grounds together. The friendship became so strong that Chip and Cat began to refer to each other as brother and sister. They shared a hysterical laugh and a joy for terrorizing wandering survivors. Together they ushered in new warboys. Mentors in their own right, the duo led many hunting parties they called "field trips" throughout DAMN’s territory.

On one of these field trips a young man, Charlie, was found in Black Forest and brought to Gorka. As Cat looked after the warboys, she began to clearly favor Charlie. She watched over him intensely, acting in a way that could only be described as a hovering parent, and he came to accept her as such. In short, they were drawn to each other. Cat had always wanted to have a child of her own and Charlie yearned for the care of a loving mother. Never far away, Cat doted over him, coddling the grown man as though he were her child. However, her way of parenting was sick and demented. Cat praised Charlie as they acted on all of their horrible whims together, butchering and devouring people wherever they went. When the duo had their fill, she would put Charlie to sleep by singing a child's lullaby.

Cat sits near her friend, Frar (left), during a moment of leisure with their leader Draven (middle), and Raz (right).

Throughout her time living in Gorka, Cat was present during attacks from and against various groups and factions settled across Chernarus. She was injured repeatedly over the years and often joked that she had nine lives, as suggested by her name. Others were not as lucky in war. During a large assault in Gorka by a group called The Cartel, a fellow warboy and friend, Frar, was killed. Cat, along with all of DAMN, held a funeral for their lost comrade and buried his body atop a hill overlooking the town. It is the only proper funeral held by the insidious group for one of their members.

Under the leadership of Draven Sanguine, Dark as Midnight set their sights on one particular enemy above all others: the Cult of Papa. Cat had learned of the previous alliance which ended in betrayal in part by Draven. It was by his, and Altradoran's teaching that she learned to hate the cult. She had come to Gorka in the wake of DAMN’s ultimate backstab against the Cult of Papa, but it was not long before there were rumors of Papa's return. While whispers of the cult's resurgence lingered, she encountered a mute woman in her travels and learned that her name was Sylvia. Curiosity in Sylvia drove Cat to befriend her, until eventually the mysterious woman stopped coming near Gorka. The next time she would hear of her missing friend would be with the news that Sylvia was carrying a child… a child conceived with a cultist. It became of the utmost importance that they were found. A great game of hide and seek began across Chernarus. Some were hiding Sylvia away, and some were hunting her, including Cat and Dark as Midnight.

On the prowl for Sylvia and the child marked by Papa, Cat went searching in the last known place her prey had been: Severograd. She arrived with her bloodthirsty group and shouted at volunteers inside the aid station built there. Believing that The Black Cross was lying to DAMN about Sylvia's whereabouts, Cat began interrogating the medics once inside their walls. She was determined to get results for Draven and most importantly, Iris. The volunteers swore they did not know where Sylvia was, but Cat would not accept their answers and was itching to pull the trigger. At the interrogation's climax, a medic named Monshies would utter his last words: "If you want to shoot someone, shoot me." Cat pulled the trigger on her shotgun, dealing a devastating and fatal blow to him. She did not get the information she wanted, but still she was heard laughing as she left.

A deep sadness fell over the land after the murder of Monshies. The Black Cross held a funeral for him. Many kind people made their way to the Severograd aid station to pay their respects, as well as some unexpected guests. Dressed in disguises and refusing to speak, Cat and Charlie visited the funeral. The only thing the pair could not disguise was their uncontrollable fits of laughter caused by kuru, which immediately brought them unwanted attention. They were not completely discovered, however guests were understandably uncomfortable with their presence. As they were being ushered out, a man stood to claim them, demanding that they be allowed to stay and angrily directed Cat and Charlie to "sit on the bench. Surprisingly, they were able to stay for what would become an extremely unordinary funeral. Sitting on the bench as directed, Cat and Charlie came to realize the men who had taken claim over them were members of the Cult of Papa. As darkness fell over Severograd, two men in tattered clothes, black face masks, and faded red arm bands began to lay out various blades on the ground. Cat and Charlie witnessed the cultists begin slashing and hacking away at each other until finally they were shot dead. With the fanatics purged, the guns turned to point at Cat and Charlie, as the two had unknowingly become a part of a cult ritual. They were stripped of their belongings, but were allowed to leave with their lives.

A guest produced one of the only known photographs of the pair at Monshies' funeral. After some time it would be revealed that the two were indeed Cat and Charlie in disguise (left). They were seen sitting with two members of the Cult of Papa (right).

Many more were brought to death by Cat, but she didn't always get her hands dirty. She was also delighted by watching her friends. On such an occasion a member of one of DAMN’s long standing enemies, The 506th, was caught out at night alone and vulnerable. The man was recognized as Hawk and was taken captive by DAMN. Once moved to a different location, Chip, Cat, and Iris interrogated Hawk inside of a house. Chip, wanting revenge for the execution of his friend Hades, tortured him while Iris questioned for whereabouts of Sylvia. Just before Chip brought Hawk to his death, Cat was amused by Hawk’s name and treated their captive to a story from her childhood. It was a tale of her pet bird that she had squeezed to death in her fist. She was excited that she would get to witness the death of yet another “bird”, and laughed as Chip pulled the trigger. Hawk’s head was immediately splattered in the small room and the rest of his body was dissected. Cat took a piece for herself and was happy to tell anyone that she had eaten a “Hawk.”

Not even Dark as Midnight was safe from themselves. Warboys are often abused, or killed, and the group has a history of assassinations as members inevitably attempt to take more power. Cat was not one to seek power, however she did want the acceptance and love of someone who did. Iris wanted a change and shared her plans with Cat: to betray their leader Draven Sanguine and take his place. Wanting nothing more than to please Iris, she agreed to follow the plan and held the secret closely until the time came. The broadcast that was planned was attended by many, including some members of The Scribes. Only a few were privy to the knowledge that Draven would meet his end during it.

Notable relationships

Caine "Devil" Altradoran - Her mentor, oldest friend, and sole keeper of her gravesite.

Charlie - Her surrogate child, the son she had always wanted, it did not matter they were nearly the same age.

Chip - Warboys that survive together become family. They continued to refer to each other as brother and sister until her death.

Draven Sanguine - Her Overlord, but also her friend… that is, until Iris asked for his head.

Iris - The woman in red, the focus of all Cat's desires. Her lover, companion, and obsession.

Where are they now?

Eventually, after all the chaos and bloodshed, Cat would also meet her end. Despite being forcefully rehabilitated by Charlie, her condition only got worse. Quickly after having her freedom restored, she relapsed with morphine once again, enabled by Iris. Kuru had taken such a hold over her mind and body that she could hardly hold up her shotgun to defend herself. Cat came to realize that she was dying and there was nothing she could do to stop it. All she could do was accept it after living in denial for so long. Traveling in the west alone with a radio, she heard the familiar voice of Altradoran, a man she once thought dead. He was her mentor and friend, someone that she respected and trusted. Cat confided in him that she was very ill and would likely die soon. Upon hearing this news, he made her a promise that if she came to him, he would give her a merciful death and proper burial. She followed up with Altradoran and he fulfilled his promise to her, finally ending her life.

The last person to see her alive, Caine "Devil" Altradoran, admitted via radio broadcast that he helped to end Cat’s suffering once and for all. Her body is buried in a location known only to him. All that is left of her is a cassette tape on which she recorded a final message for Charlie prior to her death.