Ekho the Burned

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Group/Faction Affiliation: Chernarus Provisional Government, Pavlovo Trade Union, New Chernarus Republic, Sentinels, Torchwood, Renegades

Status: Deceased

A member of many previous groups such as the Pavlovo Trade Union Ekho, (subsequently called the Burned Man), found himself on the brink of madness. After his attempted execution at the hands of Torchwood, he was left with burn scars that adorn his entire body.


Ekho was almost uniquely spottable in any crowd by the bandages that adorned his face, hands, and eye. He was also almost always seen with brown tops and no protective armor, as he found it troublesome to wear and that it attracted danger. Although he usually was seen carrying one or two weapons he prefered to speak with people over shooting them.


Ekho was quite young compared to many of the other survivors found in Chernarus at the age of 24, and barely remembered his life before the infection hit. Whether on purpose or by accident is unknown. Stuck with his family on the way to visit his uncle in Livonia, he was forced to watch as his mother and father were swarmed by a horde of the infected. As he escaped with his lover June, who would later also fall prey to the infected right before his eyes, he learned the true meaning of sacrifice. These events traumatized the young boy, who would disappear into the woods with a simple goal in mind - survive. That young boy would emerge from the woods in early 2019 changed by his experience.


There are many different ways that Ekho was described. Words such as madman, loyal, cautious, and unpredictable were be used to describe his persona and actions. Ekho showed extreme loyalty to those he considered friends or even family, but was otherwise as stated earlier unpredictable.


Before the death of Chelsae Glovier at the hands of other Pavlovo Trade Union members (in what Ekho believed to be a coup for power), Ekho had not accomplished much other than surviving the destruction of the Chernarus Provisional Government and was much more docile and understanding than he was at the end of his life.

Since the death of Chelsae Glovier at the hands of other Pavlovo Trade Union members, suffering from multiple personality disorder Ekho suffered from “The Voices”, different fragmented personalities that led him to commit atrocious acts. This dark path and the murder of multiple survivors left Ekho scarred, both phsyically and mentally, as reported by his missing eye, cut off ear, and constant night terrors.

Shortly after Ekho began his campaign of murder and assualt, his husband Urbow confronted him and demanded the truth of his lover and promised to help him heal but would never get the chance. Voluntarily Ekho gave himself over to the Light following religious zealots of Torchwood, in a debated suicide attempt, to discuss his sins with an old friend, Charlie Hughes, who he had met during his time in the New Chernarus Republic. Standing judgment before multiple members of Torchwood he confessed his actions and was sentenced to death by burning and was presumed dead.

In secret Ekho made his way north to the Dugout to find Doctor Emerson Tamagotchi, who would end up being the sole person Ekho would trust to heal his physical wounds, although his mental wounds would never be healed.

After spending time at various groups like the Vigil, Dugout, and Staroye Overlook, Ekho would join up with some splinter members of Torchwood who had founded the Sentinels. A nomadic group with the intention of protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves seemed like a valid way of redemption in Ekho’s mind, although he would never get a good chance at that since the group would fall apart.

Once again Ekho would find himself alone and in search of a group who could help him control his murderous urges. This time he would go and find those who burned him in the first place, Torchwood, and ask to join their cause against the evils of the world. Many of Ekho’s previous friends would question this decision, as well as the sanity of Ekho’s mind but he would always provide the same answer, “The flames are where it is quietest.”

Over time Ekho began to question the methods that Torchwood would use. The final straw that broke his faith was when he was forcibly locked in a house and tear gassed multiple times, for reasons unknown to him. He was not alone in doubting Cain’s leadership and would leave along with Waxxer, Charlie Hughes, and later August Black to form the Renegades.

After joining the Renegades and partaking in the conflicts of the group Ekho would approach the Forsaken Loyalists to meet with the husband of Chelsae Glovier, Roland Glovier. Leaving little notice to his brothers in the Renegades he met Roland in Nagornoe and dissapeared shortly after. The Forsaken Loyalist would later contact the other members of the Renegades and took responsibility for executing Ekho the Burned.

Notable relationships

Urbow - Ekho’s once-friend, and now-husband after their marriage at Zub castle by chaplain August of the Forsaken Loyalists. Their relationship has been at a strained point ever since he was burned and left for dead by Torchwood.

Jean - A longtime sister-like friend to Ekho, Jean has been one of the key pieces in helping him find information or a cure to his disorder. On multiple occasions she has been seen housing him and constantly checking on him to make sure he doesn’t succumb any further into madness.

Kate - Another longtime friend, Kate was one of the first people that he called a true friend even before her eventual turn and subsequent death. She was one of the people who would introduce Urbow and him to each other, setting them on their path to marriage. Through attracting constant scrutiny from friends, Ekho would seek Kate out from time to time, and never viewed her as the monster others claimed she was.

Charlie Hughes - A brother and mentor to Ekho during his time in the New Chernarus Republic, Charlie would eventually burn him alive for his actions and murder of innocent people and give him the title ‘The Burned Man’. Even after this incident the two have remained close friends, and Ekho ultimately views Charlie as a strange sort of father figure.

Chelsae Glovier - Chelsae took Ekho into the Pavlovo Trade Union, and showed him the true way to survive and meet people instead of cowering in the shadows. She would become someone who Ekho valued tremendously, and after her death he would go mad and become traumatized. As a mother figure to him, he mourned her up to his death and vowed vengeance on her killers.

Where are they now?

Ekho is dead and was killed by the Forsaken Loyalists after surrendering himself over to Roland Glovier. During his last few months Ekho joined some of his former brothers from Torchwood and found himself in the company of the Renegades. In an attempt to become ‘normal’ again, he was looking for a cure or solution to his multiple personality disorder through any means possible.

While helping the Renegades, Ekho was seen assisting many of the groups around the area such as the Vigil and the 506th, as a form of repayment for their protection and friendship. Much of what he does now consists of roaming around the South West woods and hunting information on the Cult of Papa, although why he does this is known only to the Renegades. Although he may seem hostile and somewhat intimidating, Ekho usually still prefers exchanging words rather than bullets with other survivors.

Ekho’s most notable recent activity was his pursuit of the Cult of Papa, and any associated with them. Ekho always viewed the Cult as the most dangerous enemy in Chernarus, even going as far as calling the disputes or wars between factions as a, “Waste of time, energy, and lives.”

Not much was known about Ekho’s future plans to anyone but many theories have been speculated. From succumbing to his madness, seeking out his lost husband, or getting revenge for those he’s lost, Ekho was certainly always working towards this unknown goal in the shadows.