Golden Jackals

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“Fight club is good for business - and if you don’t like it, fuck you!”


Year Founded: 2017

Status: Disbanded

The Golden Jackals were a group of survivors focused around making business deals with the people left around in Chernarus. Before the apocalypse, some of these types of deals would be considered “under the table” or “illicit” given the nature of them, but with the state of the world, Chernarus was their oyster. Some were mechanics, others soldiers, they were most infamously tied to hosting fight nights, arms deals, and the gathering of information for clients requiring their services.


The Jackals always considered themselves truly neutral. Working with friendly survivors, cannibals, bandits, and military types, they didn’t discriminate when it came to business. Their word was always their bond and they were honest to a fault - at times, foul-mouthed and crude but always telling it like it was.


The Jackals decided on a certain militarized look both for the aesthetic and to show professionalism in their business. Every Jackal wore military Gorka gear, a vest, a bandana on the head and over the face; and finished the look off with aviator sunglasses.


The Golden Jackals were founded by a man named Sayid al-Jazari, who had originally created this business of the same name as a continuation of his father’s vehicle repair and logistics business back in the country of Jordan. Here he found local survivors, especially those familiar with a weapon, to be a part of the repair team and “start fresh” in this new world. Two locals, Alexei and Stan Kowlasky, were the first to join the business and start to make connections in Chernarus.


The Golden Jackals claimed the small summer camp north of Severograd as their place of operations. They called the camp informally the “Bazaar;” and due to its location near a popular road and military areas, it was perfect for starting up business and trade.


The original goal of the Golden Jackals was to be a powerful transportation/automobile business. As time went on, and their Fight Night competitions became more popular, the Jackals refocused their efforts into a diversified business of trade, entertainment, and car repair.


The Jackals valued honest people, honest business, and providing great entertainment. From the words of Sayid himself - "We value safety, security, and survival. Thus, we will be armed and will not forget those who slight us. We also value business and lawful contracts. The Jackals will be known for their blunt, but honest, service. No sugar coating."


In their early days, the Jackals hoped to make their mark in vehicle repair and making business deals with various survivor groups throughout South Zagoria. During this time they also made trade deals, did reconnaissance missions, and made some..less than ethical contracts with groups such as DUTY, Shield, the United Nations, and the Green Mountain Nomads. Throughout this time, Sayid and the Jackals had also been trying to have a conversation/learn more about the Cult of Papa due to Sayid’s past professional relationship with one of its members, Koschei. Business was never super slow, but the Jackals wanted to become a powerful entity, and so they created the Fight Night tournaments in various areas of South Zagoria. Here, survivors dropped their politics and picked up their gloves (or wallets) to watch and bet on fighters in makeshift arenas. Early fights were one-offs in warehouses and castle ruins, but grew to be regional tournaments attended by dozens of survivors. Jackals would make their own arenas at their camp, but would also contract out groups to create arenas to be used for the tournaments. Some notable arenas created include those made by the Black Sheep, RISE, and the Lucky Bastards.

Working their influence in several parts of the region, the Jackals made their fair share of enemies and shaky relationships too. Member Stan Kowalsky was killed by Jordan “Shaolin” Chen and Rangers Chernarus in Novaya Petrovka, which sent his brother Luke on a quest to kill Jordan “Shaolin” Chen in vengeance. Tensions were sometimes high with groups like the Firekeepers and Guardians, who disagreed with Sayid’s tactics and the Jackal’s willingness to work with the more detestable survivors of the area. Regardless, when it came to entertainment value, the survivors of Chernarus knew they were in for an interesting experience and came together when Fight Night was announced.

In the chase for greater wealth and power, the Jackals began working to sell narcotics and marijuana for the Cartel to groups like Dark as Midnight and others who wouldn’t work directly with them. The profits would have been good, but the deeper they got into the drug trade the more hesitant Sayid was to keep the business afloat, and he began yearning for an adventure back home to Jordan where he hadn’t been in years. Visiting the Lucky Bastards in Stary Yar one final time, Sayid left information about Koschei to Redstar and took off to Livonia, and eventually Jordan, with Alexei - never to set foot again in Chernarus in search of brighter, warmer days.

Notable Members

Sayid al-Jazari - founder of the Golden Jackals and its leader. A Muslim from Jordan who wanted to create a business empire in South Zagoria.

Alexei - Chernarussian, Ex-CDF member and grew up in Balota. Spent a lot of time in the wilderness, and wants all non-Chernarussians out of his country.

Luke Kowalsky - Russian ex-military, deployed to Afghanistan with his brother Stan to make deals with the Taliban before apocalypse. Takes orders and takes no shit from anyone.


Due to their nature and wanting to remain neutral, the Jackals worked with all groups that respected them and their business. However, there were some groups they trusted much more than others.

Lucky Bastards - Despite some back and forth verbal spats, Jackals trusted the Lucky Bastards probably more than anyone, respectful of their own neutrality and their mutual desire to learn more about the Cult and Koschei the Undead.

The Dugout - Due to their proximity, the Jackals were often peddling trades and gear off (or from) members and visitors of the Dugout, treating their camp like a bazaar of its own.

Some groups, like Dark as Midnight and Shield, were trusted for a long time until near the Jackal departure, while others had a fraught relationship with the Jackals from the start.

The Cult of Papa - Simply put, the Cult wanting to destroy all groups was bad for business, and Sayid had a bone to pick with one of its members Koschei.

Rangers Chernarus - The Rangers robbed members of the Jackals, and even killed one of its members, rapidly turning them into the only group beyond the Cult that the Jackals genuinely despised.

RISE - Due to disagreements at a fight night, the militant zealots of RISE attacked and nearly killed Sayid. After that incident, Jackals would never again trust the group.