Walter Greene

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Affiliations: Guardians, Shield, Black Paw, Rangers Chernarus, The Flock Status: Missing

They say some people simply cannot die. People who despite the odds survive any hardship, attack and horror; who endure the suffering of life; the internal and external dangers of the apocalypse and even though they should have been dead long ago, they still remain on this earth. Walter is that kind of person. There is no way of knowing if it is a blessing or a curse to just go on living, to stand up every time someone or something forces you down; to drag yourself up and keep on going. Maybe it was because of the two things he learnt early on: there is nothing you cannot endure in order to survive, and with survival comes a need to learn how to bury his friends.



What or who Walter was before he washed ashore in Chernarus is something very few people know; he doesn’t talk about it, nor does he talk about the Chinese slavers' mark on his back or how he survived captivity, locked up among piles of dead bodies in the crashed cargo ship or exactly why he whenever he sleeps, wakes up in screaming flashbacks of the war in Afghanistan.



Walter was taken in by The Guardians, his wounds began to heal and it looked like life would settle, the memories would fade and the future, in spite of the chaos around him, would bring harmony. The Apocalypse, however, doesn’t grant peace. Time never sits still. As it moved, so did Walter. Shield offered him alliance in return for his combat expertise, good times, mixed with fights. He met Rin at Victor’s pub in Kamensk, a woman just as lost as him, and they wandered the lands together until she disappeared and became lost again.

He also met John Stalvern, a free spirited Morganite who shared his love for drugs and fishing. This was the beginning of a friendship that lasted even beyond John’s death. When John joined the Black Paw, Walter found himself increasingly alone. His friends in Shield had left seeking their own adventures, and Walter took up the way of the wolf. Walter once again found himself wandering alongside his friend again, and in the process he found another family in the Pack.

A shadow always seemed to walk in his wake though. Something only noticeable to the people he was close to, something he tried to repress with drugs and violence, but it was constantly with him. The Cult of Papa sensed it too and relentlessly tried to make him theirs, building on the darkness they saw in him. There were times, even he himself saw that as his future.

When John Stalvern was killed by Andi Walker, Walter blamed himself for failing to protect his brother. Burning anger consumed him and he spiraled further and further down, unleashing the beastly shadow within and it nearly drove him over the edge of sanity. An almost fatal wound made by a chainsaw forced him out of his rage. He needed to seek help but his old friends were almost gone.

Unexpectedly he found a sanctuary with The Lucky Bastards in Stary Yar, and a solid friend and anchor in Redstar. They each shared their own, different, war against the Cult. The shadow hadn’t left him but was contained, and eventually he and six other outcasts formed The Flock, a group of survivors devoted to making amends for their past transgressions, ridding the world from unjustified suffering. In Walter’s mind there was however one exception; John’s murderer. He had vowed to avenge John’s death by any means and set out on a hunt that lasted over a year, during which he always wore John’s GP-5 gas mask as a “mark of shame”. Despite the new righteous life he was leading, he eventually succeeded in tracking Andi down. Knowing full well doing so would only continue the spiral of revenge, he killed her and prepared himself for a life on the run. However, the Black Sheep, who had protected Andi since her escape from Dark as Midnight, somehow found it in their hearts to forgive Walter and ended the circle.

Notable Relationships

Where are they now?

There is a difference between surviving and living. In the end Walter decided survival wasn’t enough, he needed to live. With a few friends from The Flock, he retreated into the wilderness to live life in peace.