Koschei the Undead

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Affiliations: Cult of Papa

Status: Deceased

“I have suffered enough, and yet I long for this suffering, for it is all I have ever known.”

Koschei the Undead was a notorious low-life and member of the Cult of Papa.


Koschei was pained with an almost unnatural long life, and did not age well. His skin was marked by decades of drug use and war; grey, wrinkled and almost translucent. But the feature that most stuck out was his icy blue, piercing eyes.


Most of Koschei's Cultist past is hidden in obscurity, however some has been recorded as he periodically resurfaced throughout his decades of living outside of society.

Having survived the Nazi concentration camps as a young boy, Koschei was an outcast orphan and lived on the streets where he learnt to survive at any cost. He realized that there is little other than suffering in this world and to survive you need to be stronger and more ruthless than everyone else. The streets were also where he learnt that drugs were the only thing that could relieve the pain he was feeling. The drugs became Koschei’s primary benefactor; they gave him strength, they told him he was invincible, they soothed his raving mind. But they were also his worst enemy, they took his family, they took his love and deprived him of a possibility of a life. They would become the essence of his endless suffering.

He lost his wife to the drugs, and saw his children taken away from him; hate became his fuel. He worked for a paramilitary security team doing business all over the world. Death followed in his wake. War, drugs and black market affairs kept a steady supply of money in his pocket. Money needed to support his long time love for heroin and morphine. The murky waters operated in, was an eat or be eaten, kill or be killed form of society; although some people thrive in those sorts of conditions. Koschei gathered a group of men around him who murdered for pleasure and sport, sold drugs to get drugs and moved around the world, from backstreets to war zones. Wherever they could get their kicks, the Banshees went. And through death and destruction Papa found him.  

Koschei was following something - or someone - over the world, always pulling strings and doing what he could to further his own, obscure goals. Some say he ended up in Chernarus because of Guardian leader Jari - no one really knows, but the outbreak left him stranded like so many others.


Koschei was the living definition of cruelty, with no respect for other people’s life or wellbeing and a penchant for violence. Through years of depravity, death and dedicating his life to Papa, all human value had been erased; nothing was worth loving, everything was corrupt.


It is not one single brutal action that makes Koschei an infamous Cult leader, it is the sheer number and extent of his ruthlessness and horror that makes him known.

Koschei was rumoured to have followed something, or someone all over the world, always pulling strings and doing what he could to further his own, obscure goals. Some say he ended up in Chernarus because of Guardian leader Jari, no one really knows, but somewhere between Takistan and South Zagoria he met Bog Petrov and vowed to follow in Akim's footsteps, to devote his life to suffering and to Papa. He, Krampus the Preacher and Kazimir the Forsaken formed a long lasting, strong triumvirate of power over the Cult of Papa. Through their actions they held Chernarus in a grip of terror for several years. Each working to their own agenda, but also by orders from The Old One.  On his extensive list of Cult atrocities, apart from murder, destruction and rape; Koschei engineered and executed the torture and brainwashing of the Guardian known as Dragarien, who eventually succumbed to the torment and emerged as the later martyred Cultist Dragula.

Koschei was obsessed with the idea of finding a woman who could carry his, and hence Papa’s offspring. He persecuted and harassed a large number of women in order to further his and the Cult’s plans to breed a new cultist army. He tried to buy RedStar from Dark as Midnight when she was their captive, he also ordered DAMN to capture Firekeeper Andi Walker, a deed that later played a big part in DAMN’s betrayal of the Cult.

Notable Relationships


Sayid al-Jazari figured that Koschei came to Chernarus in pursuit of Jari, but he didn’t know why.

Sayid al-Jazari

Shady trade deals linked the two together. One on the buying side and the other on the selling.

Andi Walker

Perhaps intended to mother a child for the Cult, a desire Koschei was near succeeding in.


Right before he died Koschei claimed RedStar reminded him of his long lost daughter, before that day he had hunted her for months to claim her for Papa.

Where are they now?

As a method of furthering his and the Cult’s plans to breed a new cultist army, Koschei ordered Dark as Midnight to capture Firekeeper Andi Walker; a deed that later played a role in DAMN’s betrayal of the Cult. Obsessed with getting what he wanted, Koschei also hunted Redstar of the Lucky Bastards, who in the end were the ones who killed him. His body is buried in the cemetery outside the Lucky Bastards camp in Stary Yar.