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“Choose Your Allies Wisely…”


Year Founded: 2015

Status: Inactive

The Brotherhood were a unit of survivors opposed to cannibals and anyone who aided them. Those who assisted in perpetuating the existence of cannibals, were deemed “colluders” and fell under the same purview of cannibals themselves. Throughout their operations in Chernarus, The Brotherhood operated in an organized and militant fashion to achieve their goals.

The Brotherhood were a tight-knit group, and were highly suspicious of other groups and factions. Their cautious nature, coupled with the pseudo-religious machinations of their former spokesperson Joseph “Tex” Kirche, led many to believe they were religious zealots. This narrative was pushed by several of the Brotherhood's detractors in an attempt to discredit their work. In reality, however, the Brotherhood were neither zealots nor religious fanatics; merely men and women pushed to the extreme by evil around them who chose to do the work which few others in the land were willing to do.

Uniformed Brotherhood members in 0.62


The Brotherhood were best described as lawful good. They operated in a strict, organized, and secret manner, believing the world was only salvageable by the elimination of cannibals, those who killed for pleasure, and their co-conspirators. Anyone that fitted this bill was viewed as lesser, and had a target on their back. They operated on a strict zero tolerance policy, and anyone who colluded with their foes would eventually find this out the hard way.


The Brotherhood were denoted by their uniform black and green colors, with a yellow armband. Some were known to wear ghillie outfits regularly as a way to blend in on more covert operations.

Remaining Brotherhood members pictured by The FORGE in Stary Yar. (Circa 2022)


The Brotherhood was originally founded as a multi-faceted group, with the Brotherhood of SWORD, led by Rocket, created to directly deal with cannibals in their associates. SWORD’s goals existed in contrast to the more passive nature of Tex Rockwolf, who orchestrated the Brotherhood of FIRE. The results and alliances formed after Operation: Fracture eventually led to the Cult re-appearing, and initiating the Cult Holocaust Invasion. During this time, Rocket was killed, and other members would take the lead to continue their mission; continuing to directly confront cannibals and their colluders in Chernarus for years to come.



Rify was the initial landing site of The Brotherhood’s founding members. This site holds no tactical value to Brotherhood members, but has become a revered site among members; standing as a reminder of the horrors mankind is capable of, and the reasons for which they must fight.

Stary Yar

The Brotherhood maintained a symbolic refuge in Stary Yar named “The Forge.” A nod to their pre-expulsion wings: Fire, Sword, and Anvil. The Brotherhood lays claim to Stary Yar, but frequently patrols elsewhere in the north.


The Brotherhood’s main goal aimed to eradicate all cannibals and their colluders from Chernarus. Through these actions, they hoped to lay a foundation for functioning society to return to the land.


The Brotherhood were the honorable overwatchers of the weak in Chernarus, protecting those who couldn’t help themselves from the evils of the world. Integrity was a key value to each brotherhood member, and as such compliance was met with mercy. Force, however, was always met with force.


The Brotherhood’s founding members Goose and Rocket landed at Rify, which now remains in toxic waste. After venturing out of the ship, the brothers learned of the horrors of Chernarus, specifically the apocalypse gang known as Dark as Midnight (DAMN) after witnessing them corner and kill an innocent person in a nearby town. This led to the official formation of The Brotherhood. Originally, the group was split up into two. One side, The Brotherhood of FIRE, led by Tex Rockwolf, had more humanitarian goals than those of SWORD; using pseudo-religious speeches and aid programs to instill hope within the inhabitants of Chernarus. First led by Rocket and his brother Goose, SWORD carried out the offensive side of operations; Dealing in assassinations, and full on sieges against cannibals and their colluders. Conducted with relative secrecy, SWORD was wrapped in a shroud of mystery - only poking their heads out to announce their intentions and warn people of what to expect if they dealt with the wrong folk.

During the Brotherhood’s first year, another group would also rise to infamy. Cult of Papa activity had spiked around Chernarus, spreading fear through their many appearances and sacrifices. In a ruse to draw the Cult out, SWORD enacted Operation: Fracture. During this time, the two wings of the Brotherhood “separated” in an attempt to attract attention to themselves and embolden the Cult. This ruse, unfortunately became reality soon after. While the two wings were supposed to seem divided while retaining communication behind the scenes, Tex’s subsequent actions would lead SWORD to separate themselves fully. On the 29th of January, 2016, a prisoner exchange was facilitated by the Black Paw founder, Jack Gallow. The exchange was to be carried out between Rockwolf and the cultist, Sacha the Minotaur. SWORD was told to not interfere with the meeting, which had a security team consisting of DUTY members led by Ender. SWORD, though, could not betray their goals. Unbeknownst to FIRE, SWORD took advantage of the meeting to launch an attack against the cult and colluders. The ensuing violence ended with one cultist and multiple conspirators killed. However, to the frustration of Rocket, Sacha the Minotaur was able to escape with severe injuries. Tex’s continued collaboration with Shadow and Sacha would eventually cause a real rift between the wings, with SWORD wanting both dead while Tex aimed to rehabilitate and offer amnesty to Sacha.

After this event, SWORD issued Tex a signed vote of no-confidence, officially separating themselves and became known solely as The Brotherhood. They resumed their normal operations, regrouping and fighting throughout the Black Forest, Gorka, and Cult Holy Sites. However, Papa’s disciples would prove hard to fully exterminate, and eventually returned in full force, rampaging throughout all of Chernarus during the event known as the Cult Holocaust. Cultists went from city to city, town to town, fervently searching for sacrifices. While they were able to cause chaos and kill many, only one would eventually survive. With the help of DUTY, the Pavlovo Trade Union (PTU) and Forsaken Motorcycle Club, the Brotherhood successfully confronted the Cult. The bloodshed eventually led to the Northwest airfield, where the final battle took place. The Cult was completely exterminated, with the exception of a sole survivor, Kazimir. Unfortunately, the Brotherhood endured heavy losses, with Rocket killed while fighting against the Cult at the Northwest airfield. The rest of the Brotherhood regrouped with Johnny Rotten’s crew and convened at Devil’s Castle, where they captured and executed Keres, the perpetrator of Rocket’s death. Only one cultist remained, Kazimir; also known as Agent 3 of the Bureau, whom the Brotherhood had previously tried to influence.

After this, the Brotherhood defaulted to the control of Raven. After the events of the Cult Holocaust, The Brotherhood slinked back into the dark to recover. When they were able bodied again, Wash announced what was to be known as the Time of Straws; marking a more extreme turn for the group, where death was considered the only acceptable punishment for collusion. Raven led until he eventually went missing, and Lemon took control. Lemon was noted to have much more hardline and violent methods of dealing with colluders on an individual basis. Smaller Brotherhood operations during this time included posing as DAMN members, and trading with PTU; a sting which led to the execution of Ammo by the Recruit Pirate for collusion as his final test. This act would not go without consequence, however, with Pirate later killed by Spootin and Arye in a setup meeting as revenge.

Notable Characters

Rocket - One of the original two founders of the Brotherhood.

Goose - Rocket’s brother, and other founder. Eventually went rogue after Rocket’s death.

Raven - Assumed command and led the Brotherhood after Rocket’s death. An integral original member.

Lemon - Assumed command after Raven’s absence. Known to be quite brutal, Lemon also set up “Lemon-Aid” stands to assist and talk with survivors.


DUTY - Due to their ideological alignments, DUTY and the Brotherhood frequently worked together and shared information. Their proximity to Stary Yar combined with their honorable values made them one of the few groups the Brotherhood could align themselves with in good faith.

The Wanderers - The Brotherhood and Wanderers shared a dislike of cannibals, especially Dark as Midnight; occupying Stary Yar together during the former’s short-lived return to Chernarus in 2022.

Dark as Midnight - As lawless cannibals and murderers who only stopped and progress towards a better civilization in Chernarus, the red right hand of Gorka represented the epitome of what The Brotherhood stood against. They would frequently meet in violent skirmishes across South Zagoria, with DAMN frequently goading and taunting their rivals in public broadcasts.

The Cult of Papa - The Brotherhood viewed the Cult of Papa as a pure evil that had no place. They hunted down and killed many Cultists, resolving never to stop until all of them were dead.

The Black Paw - The wolves of the west were seen as general bandits and thieves by the Brotherhood, but would eventually become a target of note due to their collusion with far darker forces. Some of them, such as Shadow, would eventually find themselves in deep trouble with the Brotherhood through their associations.