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Affiliations: The Brotherhood

Status: Deceased

Rocket was a founding member of The Brotherhood along with his blood brother Goose, and a co-leader with Major Joseph “Tex” Kirche. Rocket was responsible for the formation and leadership of the Brotherhood of SWORD, a militant wing of the Brotherhood tasked with direct action against cannibals, and their associates.



Little is know of Rocket’s history prior to he and Goose’s arrival in Chernarus. Written accounts indicate a violent end to both men’s family at the hands of cannibals. Rocket also hinted at a military background during heated radio exchanges. Although unverified, these accounts offer possible insight into the actions of Rocket during his time as leader of SWORD.



The Brotherhood operated jointly around Novodmitrovsk for a number of months, attempting to keep St. Finnigan’s (Later re-named St. Joseph’s in honor of its fallen proprietor Friar Joseph) safe from attack for much of that time. As engagements with cannibals and other malcontents increased The Brotherhood opted to step away from St. Joseph’s to prevent the site being targeted on their behalf.

With the resurgence of the Cult of Papa spreading across Chernarus, Tex Rockwolf and Rocket attempted to bait Cult fanatics into a battle by presenting a divided Brotherhood. Operation Fracture, often referred to as The Night The Sword Came Down, was conceived as a way to bait Cultists into an open engagement. The success of this operation is a point of contention among many, but the ensuing action initiated a true ideological shift between the Brothers of FIRE and the Brothers of SWORD.

As part of the ruse Rocket was to present a more fanatical, extremist view of the Brotherhood. To facilitate this SWORD members began targeting “cannibal associates” more openly and coined the term “Colluders” in reference to those that would aid cannibals and cultists. This resulted in the death of several traders considered neutral or moderate by many, in regards to cannibals. The resulting fallout from the attacks and rhetoric left Rocket and SWORD as pariahs amongst the vast majority of former associates. While Rocket and SWORD continued their campaign Tex and the Brothers of FIRE presented a far more forgiving and merciful view of the Brotherhood. In furtherance of the ruse a mock assassination attempt was carried out by Brothers of SWORD against Tex during a meeting between he and Rocket.

With the looming Cult invasion Tex opted to reveal the Brotherhood’s ruse during an alliance war council meeting. Rocket expressed his concern to Tex over the use of an allegedly reformed cultist known as The Minotaur, later known as Sacha Ivgeniy and the colluder known as Shadow. Rocket found himself troubled by the differences in SWORD and FIRE post-fracture. Though they were both meant to play extreme versions of The Brotherhood, it seemed neither side was willing to return to their former selves. FIRE insisted upon offering mercy to all, regardless of past actions while SWORD was unwilling to offer mercy to any. Rocket’s mantra became one of retribution over absolution.

The Cult Invasion was imminent, but not all went as planned. Weeks of preparations by DUTY and alliance forces were for naught, as unforseen events prevented communication and coordination within defending units during the initial invasion. As chaos ensued during the initial phase of the invasion, Rocket opted to take Greenie and Kave on the offensive, as word reached him of an alliance member trapped in Novodmitrovsk amidst encroaching Cult forces. While searching for Cult forces in the area, SWORD encountered the cultist known as Cernobog inside St. Joseph’s. The ensuing gunfight left Cernobog dead and Rocket injured. Opting to press the fight, rather than receive medical treatment, Rocket led his forces towards the North West Airfield in search of the remaining Cultists. Rocket linked with the Forsaken Motorcycle Club forces near the airfield as reports began pouring out of a final stand by Cultists there. As joint forces approached the airfield a lone cultist, having discarded traditional cult attire, was located. In a small act of mercy Rocket opted not to shoot the man in the back as they approached, instead attempting to capture him alive. This decision would be his last.

Notable Relationships

Where are they now?

The remaining men of SWORD could see Rocket was conflicted throughout Operation Fracture and the ensuing reveal to the alliance council. Rocket had grown increasingly distant from his men as the decisions of Tex weighed on him. In the wake of Rocket’s death, the men of SWORD fell back on their roots and took direct action against surviving Cultists and Colluders, choosing to learn a lesson from Rocket’s death...though perhaps not the correct one.