Lucky Bastards

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The Lucky Bastards

“At sea we all are Bastards, we leave everything else at shore. We are Lucky Bastards because we have the sea, the ship and the crew as our family now. The Ship is our gentle and loving mother who takes care of us; gives us warmth when we are cold and food when we are hungry. She keeps a bed for us when we are tired and rocks us to sleep. The Sea is our harsh and unforgiving father, who teaches us the necessity of survival and staying alert at all times. If we don't pay attention and watch his every whim, he will grab hold of us and punish us. He will rip us from our mother’s safety and drag us under to his domain. We will surely perish and die. We will become yet another drowned child of the sea.”

Captain Stella Stavros of the M/S The Lucky Star


Year founded: 2016

Status: Inactive

The Lucky Bastards (LB) were a group of survivors mainly consisting of the surviving crew from the freight ship The Lucky Star, that crashed onto the cliffs north of Berezino one stormy night many months after the infection had already taken hold of the world. Their focus was on surviving by any means possible, while upholding some kind of humanity and values. Their moral code to talk first and shoot second led many to believe they were easy prey, but they couldn’t have been more wrong. The Bastards kept out of other people’s conflicts and wars, favouring mediation and survival, but in their own words also never lost a fight. For many years, their camp in Stary Yar was a place where people were welcome to come to trade or seek shelter .


A Lucky Bastard in their naval attire.

A freight carrier is the home of a variety of people who have walked different paths in life. Everyone has their own goals and values and their own past to carry. Everyone is needed and important as long as they work towards the same goal. As civilians adjusting to a new world the Lucky Bastards tried to keep their humanity alive.

As a group the Lucky Bastards are best described as True Neutral, but that’s mainly the sum of all its variations. Individually, the members varied from Lawful Neutral, to Chaotic Good and depending on which Bastard you met, your experience would be very different.


Apart from the navy blue armband with the letters LB and an anchor in white, everyone in the group dressed differently, and mostly in civilian clothes. Their headgear was often a trademark for each individual.


When the apocalypse began and infection spread over the world, the freight carrier M/S Lucky Star was at sea, its crew safe from exposure and with enough resources to last for many months. Radio communications brought witness to the chaos and destruction as the world was brought down nation by nation.Under the command of Captain Stella Stavros, the sea legged survivors created a floating sanctuary aboard the M/S Lucky Star, and they went as far away from the death struggle of humanity as they possibly could. The Lucky Star was filled with a lot more than just sardines and canned peaches, both in their official holds and the “unofficial”, and in anticipation of the inescapable meeting with whatever awaited them ashore the sailors used their time to get ready for whatever the future would throw at them.  As their supplies slowly diminished they managed to go ashore and replenish their stocks on a couple of occasions in different parts of the world, each time finding both supplies and civilization increasingly scarce.

On one fatal night a hellish storm lunged the M/S Lucky Star onto the cliffs at Rify in the north east parts of South Zagoria, Chernarus. Most of the crew perished in the crash or fell victim to the ice cold water, and the few who survived tried to remain on the coast for as long as possible, but soon realised they needed to go inland to be safe. One day they found the remnants of a settlement in Stary Yar, and started to build their own haven.  

The wreck of the Lucky Star.


A small peaceful village in the far north of South Zagoria, far away from the chaos and conflict of the coastal areas and the south; Stary Yar and its surroundings proved to be the perfect place to settle down and build a future for the Lucky Bastards.

Goals and Values

Each seaman sails on the sea of destiny and follows their own path in life. In a world of chaos, being together with a reliable crew is the one thing that upholds a solid foundation of survival. Some crewmen are looking for a lost family, others for a new one. As civilians adjusting to a new world we try to keep our humanity viable. In a widely infected world, high moral standards are hard to achieve and justify.

The main goal for the Lucky Bastards was at first to find their captain and another ship and return to the relative safety of the seas. But after hearing that Stella Stavros had been killed by Koschei the Undead, they came to terms with the fact that they might not be able to leave. The best thing to do was to stay together, ride out the storm and survive. And take revenge on the Cult of Papa. The Lucky Bastards lived according to their own version of the seaman’s code of conduct, which was based on equality and democratic vote among the members.

“We will not give in to the power of evil around, but not be seduced by the promise of good either. We will not rob or kill anyone unless necessary, but we will not sit idly by if our friends need us either. We do not want to be a part of any governmental projects, however we are not opposed to the structure of others. We adapt and move forward. Survival is all.”


I. Forming alliances

A Lucky Bastard takes aim at an unseen target.

After settling down in Stary Yar and knowing the political climate in South Zagoria was complicated, the Lucky Bastards tried to mind their own business and not stir up any conflicts. However they were forced to call for help one night when cannibals and the threat of armed cultists grew too big. They didn’t know who would answer, but Black Paw came to their rescue and this was the beginning of a long lasting -but not uncomplicated- understanding between the groups. Teddy, an ex Ranger who had recently joined the wolves, took it upon himself to protect Stary Yar, and when he left the area Loup and Shadow continued to keep watch over the north west.

As a result of their interaction with Black Paw, the rogue remnants of a UN long past its prime along with some of South Zagoria's less savoury elements declared war against the Lucky Bastards. What followed was a war that only strengthened the bond between the Lucky Bastards, Black Paw and 506th.

Over time, the camp in Stary Yar drew the attention of a lot of people and groups and grew to be a prominent trading post. There was always something happening in the busy camp in the north, and the Lucky Bastards were considered fair traders as well as respectable negotiators in conflicts.

II. The Cult

Fame came at a price, and LB drew the attention of the Cult of Papa, who were outraged at the thought of a thriving community, especially one based on humanitarian values. Koschei the Undead sent an initiate called Karlos the butcher to Yar to spread the word of suffering and fear and try to turn the sailors to Papa. The Bastards handed the Cultist over to Black Paw, but the Cult persisted and a sinister plan to convert Hybris, sacrifice Tom and enslave RedStar was put into motion.

During one of Dark as Midnight’s attacks on Stary Yar, RedStar was kidnapped under the direction of Altradoran and a deal was being negotiated for her to be sold to The Cult along with Andi Walker. The Lucky Bastards and several other groups desperately searched South Zagoria for them, but when she was finally rescued by the wolf Teddy she had been drugged and cruelly tortured by Draven.

Koschei didn’t give up and hunted the Bastards for months, but when he returned to Stary Yar it was for a different reason. He said he wanted to repent and told Hybris and RedStar his life story before urging them to kill him. RedStar refused, but Hybris had no qualms at fulfilling the old Cultists wishes.  

III. Politics and loyalties

With the threat of the Cult evidently gone, Stary Yar and the Lucky Bastards thrived again. Many lone survivors and groups were drawn to the peace of the north and trade flourished. Trading with the Golden Jackals was always a pleasure, Dugout and the Black Cross established in the nearby town of Severograd. Even though Black Paw had fallen apart, the remnants of the group formed Serdtse Volka and were still roaming the northwest keeping the peace around Yar.

Another former wolf, Walter Greene, had at one point been rescued by RedStar after being mauled by a chainsaw. And to repay his debt and despite his complicated relationship with the other wolves, he chose to settle down in his former Shield headquarters’ town Kamensk, subsequently forming The Flock. A venture that didn’t ease the uncomplicated relationship between the old pack members and left the Lucky Bastards in the middle of the conflict between John Stalvern's former friends and the fate of his killer; Black Sheep ally Andi Walker.

The relationship was tested several times, but really came to a head when Loup shot and killed Jim. Even though the Lucky Bastard had asked him to end the pain of his illness, only Tom’s intervention stopped RedStar from giving in to her resentment and avenge her friend.

Several Lucky Bastards relax by a fire in Stary Yar.

Dark as Midnight had not ventured North for many months, seemingly avoiding any physical altercation with the Bastards, but a new threat was settling down in South Zagoria. The relationship with anarchists and blood cult RISE were at first a careful mutually beneficial neutral, but soon grew sour as RISE tried to force the Lucky Bastards into war politics and taking sides. The war only ended when RISE decided to leave South Zagoria for good.

IV. The Cult returns

The rumours of a resurgence of the Cult of Papa opened up old wounds and memories in all the old groups and inhabitants in Chernarus, not least in the Lucky Bastards.  Even though not a lot of time had passed since their last reign of terror, information about the Cult was quickly distorted or dismissed. RedStar and Tom tried to conquer their fears and spread as much knowledge about the Cult as they could, while trying to figure out what this new version of the Cult was planning. Perhaps they were just a fringe group of tortured souls like their leader and prophet Kryštof said?  

With the possibility of a new Cult threat rising, Altradoran and the Forsaken Loyalists proposed a joint effort between them, LB and Serdtse Volka to defeat the Cult once and for all. During a meeting outside Stary Yar to negotiate both truce and a plan, Dodge shot Altradoran and he was left, presumed to be dead. After a long and hard psychological struggle the Cult diminished and its plans were thwarted, but the toll on RedStar and the rest of the Bastards were great and they were left scattered, some still roaming the north, some trying to find solace and peace in other parts of the world.

Notable members


Chef’s assistant on The Lucky Star, and former inmate at Bilibid prison, Hybris always went his own way. He roamed the north west and with his calm voice and an uncanny ability to see behind people’s sometimes hard surfaces formed bonds with a lot of people and groups around SZ. One unexpected connection was with Karlos the Cultist who came to Yar to preach the word of Papa, a wayward chef’s assistant and a lost butcher seemingly finding an understanding in each other's fate. His fierce sniper talent and sense of reading the battlefield won a lot of victories when Stary Yar was under attack.  


Truly a force to be reckoned with in the political scene of South Zagoria, the former chief engineer on The Lucky Star; RedStar was a well-known figure and a hard negotiator of deals. She was hunted by the Cult of Papa and RISE, and tortured by DAMN, but fought to keep the rest of the Bastards or to those under her protection safe. Her encounters and adventures are documented in a journal that can be found somewhere in Chernarus.


Tom of the Lucky Bastards.

As chief purser and the captain’s right hand man on The Lucky Star, Tom had a responsibility for every person and all freight documentation on the ship, a duty he continued on land as well. After coming to terms with the death of captain Stella, Tom's main concern was to keep the group safe, providing both good shelter and equipment. RedStar always used to say Tom was the last human left alive in a world of war and conflict, but people with ill intent would be mistaken to get fooled by his timid veneer. Witnessing Karlos the Cultist being slaughtered by Koschei’s man Drekevac affected Tom to the core, and after that he always slept with a light on, and vowed to never let the Cult or any enemy catch the Bastards off guard. He regularly patrolled the area for signs of new arrivals, friends and enemies. He enjoyed time alone down by the cliffs admiring the view and a good smoke in his pipe.


Hot-tempered but always enjoying a good laugh, Cyrus was the unlikely source of a lot of the alliances between the Lucky Bastards and other groups. He talked their way out of the unfortunate misunderstanding on Green Mountain that eventually led to a long standing relationship with the 506th. On the other hand he almost caused a lot of conflicts too when he didn’t approve of people’s behaviour. He especially disliked Black Paw and Heart and how they always kept their guns out around Stary Yar. It took all of RedStar’s might and power to keep him from shooting them all every time they showed up. Cyrus was also a restless soul, and hated to stay too long in the camp and was often out on secret missions with Hybris or Matz.

Aztor & Dodge

Both brothers were seamen on The Lucky Star. Younger brother Aztor knew Hybris from prison in the Philippines and convinced Stella to take him onboard the ship. The two were inseparable and were often seen drinking together or going off on adventures. When Hybris left Stary Yar, Aztor went with him.  

His departure turned older brother Dodge into a bitter old man, and he never really gave up trying to find Aztor again, even if he was loyal to the other Bastards. In a fit of rage and concern that the Bastards were being conned or perhaps even venturing into the ever growing darkness of the Cult of Papa he shot Altradoran in the head during a meeting, and was in turn severely injured by Shadow. Following the incident he kept away from the group in case of retaliation, but eventually came back to keep protecting his fellow Bastards.

Dodge lights a cigarette.

James “Jim” Murray

Lt James W Murray was a Royal Navy Search and Rescue pilot who crashed in Chernarus trying to rescue a squad on a secret mission that had been overrun by infected at Tisy. Abandoned by the navy as presumed dead and after years of solitude came to Stary Yar and subsequently joined their group. Always grumpy, foul mouthed and suspicious of outsiders of the group, he was fiercely loyal and protective.

He fell critically ill from an unknown infection and was executed by Loup of Serdtse Volka (Heart) at his own request to spare him a slow and painful death. His body was cremated and remains buried in the graveyard in Stary Yar.

Hoodoo White

Two Lucky Bastards deliver a eulogy at the grave of a fallen comrade.

Hoodoo White was an old cowboy, who crossed the ocean on a whim with his cousin who was his second in command of The Clanton Gang. Hoodoo didn't believe in right or wrong, only alive or dead, but as he grew older the very black and white concepts of good and evil became vast shades of grey. This led him to lean into the very neutral stance of The Lucky Bastards. He was known to wear all black, with a black cowboy hat, and the only colour being his brown leather pistol holster and burlap backpack.


Black sheep

Despite not always being on the same side in conflicts, LB and BS always had each other’s back. Maybe it was some form of Nordic bond, but there was nothing the Bastards wouldn’t trust the Sheep with.  

Black Paw/ Serdtse Volka (Heart)

Almost a love-hate relationship, but with a base in mutual respect. As a token of trust (and political intelligence) RedStar once declared that every Wolf would be safe in Yar and that they were exempt from the “no guns allowed in camp”-rule. A decree that didn’t always sit well even within the Lucky Bastards.


The relationship started off in a shootout, but through careful mediation by Black Paw quickly turned into a trusting cooperation.  

Golden Jackals

Sayid was always a welcome guest in Stary Yar and the mutually beneficial trade deals included equal amounts of gear and information. RedStar, Tom and even Hybris considered Sayid a close friend and they looked back on the day he and Alexis left Chernarus to go north with sadness.

Black Cross & Dugout

Close proximity and mutual values made the groups more than pleasant neighbours.  

Cult of Papa

The link between Cult of Papa and the Lucky Bastards ran deep and could only be described as complex. Koschei sent Karlos and Drekavac on missions to the Bastards, and tried to buy RedStar from DAMN, but in the end he chose to end his life in Stary Yar; a suicide aided by Hybris. Krystôf was a regular “guest” in Yar while the Bastards tried to discern his and his fringe group of cultists’ real intentions. Inadvertently they were the reason RedStar left Chernarus to try and save her friends from “the seed of evil”.  

The Syndicate

The kidnapping and subsequent torture of RedStar was the culmination of a series of attacks on Stary Yar by the syndicate spearheaded by Dark as Midnight. Even though the open hostilities eventually ended, the bitter hate never did.


The initial non-aggression agreement ended in a series of events starting with a member of LB getting shot and injured in Stary Sobor before a negotiation meeting. It further escalated when RISE showed up in Stary Yar in full force demanding LB betray the 506th. Bloodshed was avoided, but RedStar sent them away verbally defeated and momentarily cowed, resulting in a personal vendetta between Miri and RedStar.